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(16:09 9.4MB 初級~中級)Which Beer Is Best?

*** It's a Good Expression ***



= さわやかな

Don't get me wrong.

= 誤解しないで。

a brew

= 醸造、ビール

to be into 〜

= 〜に興味を持つ、「〜にはまる」


= ベルギーの


a discontent

= 不満

to be worth 〜ing

= 〜するに値する

on tap

= (ビールが)生の


= 飲み口

rotate 〜 daily

= 〜を日替わりで出す


= やり過ぎの、過剰な

an option

= 選択肢

〜 is what I'm hearing?

= 〜ということかな?

*** Script ***

(Slow speed) 02:55-05:20

(Natural speed) 13:00-14:55

Which Beer is Best?

M: (Sigh) I miss drinking beer in the US.

W: Why? You don't like the beer here?

M: No. I DO. It's just... Japanese beer all seems very light and refreshing. Don't get me wrong, Asahi, Sapporo, Kirin are definitely good. It's just, sometimes, I miss the VARIETY of beer in America.

W: Really? Because I've heard that American beer isn't all that great.

M: Well, we definitely have some bad national brands, but we also have a lot of great local brews. And if American beer is not what you're into, in the US it's extremely easy to get your hands on pretty much any beer you want-German, Belgian, African, Indian, even Japanese!

W: Well, is there any other discontent you would like to express today?

M: Well, actually... I don't understand canned beer in Japan.

W: What? Canned beer?

M: Pretty much any beer worth drinking in the States comes in a bottle or is on tap. It's kind of rare to drink canned beer, unless you're at a college party, or just running low on money. Especially I miss beer on tap.

W: You mean when they pull the handle and it comes out of the spout, right?

M: Exactly!

W: You can definitely find that in bars in Japan.

M: Yes, but they have tap beer in most restaurants in America, and they usually have about five different varieties. One of the bars in my university's city has 50 different beers on tap, and rotates them daily!

W: Every day new kinds of beer? Wow, that seems a little excessive.

M: Probably so, but at least there is no lack of options.

W: So, you don't want another beer is what I'm hearing?

M: Oh no, no, no. Wait, wait! I never said that!

W: But it's in a can and everything.

M: Hey, beer is beer!

(Written by Matthew Bola)