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17: School Struggles (Momo and Hiro)

M: Hey Momo, why do you look so sad?

W: I…. I have a C in my anthropology class!

M: What? How? Momo, you’re like the smartest person I know!

W: It’s the participation grade… Participation is 25% of our total grade. I do well on exams, but I’m not used to talking much in class back home.

M: Oh yeah, I know what you mean. Students are expected to speak up a lot more here, and even ask the professors questions! Asking questions is a sign that you’re listening.

W: But I DO listen!

M: Well, when other students speak up, you should too! Pretend I’m participating too. You never stop with the nerd facts when talking to me!

W: Gee, thanks….

M: Ha ha, you’re welcome!

(Written by Jazmin Boulton)