Reference checking is so important... yet so underutilized. Why? Because it is too time-consuming! But when you fail to reference check you are dramatically increasing the likelihood of making the wrong hire. On top of that, you are missing out on a potential recruiting opportunity 

Today’s Quote: 

"References drive the industry." - Mark V. Hurd

Our guest today:  Yves Lermusi, Co-Founder & CEO of Checkster

Checkster is powering talent decisions of organizations and providers of staffing and HR services. The company aims to improve the world's productivity and harmony by increasing job fit and work achievement, as well as personal career satisfaction and fulfillment.

Yves is a well-known public speaker and a Career and Talent industry commentator. He is often quoted in the leading business media worldwide, and has been named as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the Recruiting Industry”.

Today we are going to discuss

Why checking references is important
Voice reference checks vs digital reference checks
The framework for a successful reference check

Reference checking, what’s the issue?  

People don't do 
Or they do totally wrong

Why are they doing references wrong?

Only speaking to people that are given
Talking to 2-3 
Talking to over the phone (filtered feedback)

Digital advantages

Digitally people are more honest 
People pretend to be their own reference
Consistency in the questions

Rick’s input

Design references to evaluate against company culture
Ability to dig deep on the answers

How to do references right

Peers or managers recently. In direct contact
Speak to at least 4 references - the measurement of success 80% in making a good hire vs. just 2 references
Ask the right questions
Relevant to the job and non-leading, (leading the witness) 
“Would you rehire?” 
Starting broad and going specific

Do it digitally
Saves time

Rick’s Nuggets

How are you able to question deeper to understand the motivation of the answer? 
Written referrals don't give you the ability to recruit the person

Key Takeaways:

Get at least feedback from 4 relevant colleagues  (relevant:recent profesional close experience)
Ask predictive questions
Do it digitally