The truth is most of the good players are on the sidelines. Great people are inundated with mindless spam therefore most messaging is getting ignored.  Here is the good news, Gallup reports that 7 of 10 people are open to something stronger. 

Today’s Quote: 

“Great people want to work on things that matter. Inevitably, a great person working on imaginary work will turn into an unsatisfied person.” - Jason Fried

Our guest today: Marc Hutto, Founder & CEO of Reveal Global Intelligence

Marc is the chief architect of Purpose-Driven Recruitment . This methodology focuses the talent acquisition process on the people who are hiring and being hired - as it should be. Revealing hidden and highly-valued talent in this way also aligns to Marc's stated vision for the company of delivering evidential value to every life we touch. 

Today we are going to discuss

Why you believe you can't find people
The truth behind the myth (79 % of people on LinkedIn, polled, will not see a posting)
A script to successfully find the people you need - A “pattern interrupt”

Why is the view that company’s can’t find people wrong?

You can easily believe this because most people are not responding to job postings.
Mindset - most people need to be approached.
A lot of people approaching them
A lot of noise, people not responding
Only 21% of people are looking at a job posting

Reach out

Outreach and response is the main challenge
A lot of the same messages
Get rid of the hooks and talk to the person
Pitching the job is the wrong mentality
Get into career coaching mode as quickly as possible

Rick’s Input

Treat people all the same, regardless of where they came
Hit people at their pain point first. 
What could be better? 

How to recruit passive talent?


Approach people who did not come to you
You have to be proactive
Business owners and leaders take great care when investing in hard assets (equipment, supplies, inventory, etc.) - should we not have the same mindset when investing in a new colleague?

Reach out

Don't pitch the job (it’s presumptuous)
Digital video job description ( 1 minute
Polite, professional, persistent - it differentiates

Coaching call

Talk to people about them- their career/career drivers
 Look for the opportunity to provide career coaching
Start a conversation around career drivers

Incumbent interview - document 

Why did you come here?
Why do you stay?
Challenges you encounter?
Want someone to understand what it is like to work for your company?

Reasons why people stay (career drivers)

Compensation & benefits
Impact of the work
Environment - culture, people, space, 
Personal & professional growth
Leadership or management

Rick’s Nuggets

On average 7-10 calls to get in touch a person today
Write 5 email sequences
Top Desires: Growth, Content of Work, Leadership

Key Takeaways:

Hiring and being hired are big deals.  Keep them humanized. Focus on Career Drivers.
If you are an employer, you are in sales mode for top talent.
Post and Pray has to give way to Polite, Professional Persistence.
Purpose Driven Recruitment Toolkit: