Our guests today: Dan Moore, Co-Founder & CEO of Vaporware

Dan is a trained computer scientist who helps clients craft ideas into scalable products. Always one for over-communication and compulsive attention to detail. 

Dan co-founded Vaporware to help entrepreneurs take their software ideas to market. Over the past 7 years he has helped Vaporware deliver dozens of apps in Human Resources, Staffing, and Recruiting—all while building vaporware into a stellar organization. 

Hiring a bench of developers, designers, and product managers is a challenge for any organization, but Dan has created 2 expert teams that combines all 3 roles at Vaporware.

Today we discuss:

The 30,60,90 job posting; What it is & how it works
How to build it for hiring success!

What is a 30/60/90 job posting?

A better way to do job postings to find the right candidates.
A list of objectives at different checkpoints (30-60-90 days)
Designed to ensure proper onboarding and culture fit before the company invests too much.

What happened to drive this solution?

Created out of personal desire because of the experience from prior companies- escape from past experiences
How would we want to be hired?
Tailoring to culture fit is much more important
Allow people to do different things within one company
Not looking at what they have but looking around …. 

Why is this important to the company? Yes can meet those objectives!

Limits company risk
Shifts away from skills
Keeping people onboard
Retain people longer from 3-6 months to up over 4+ years
Bottom line, higher attraction of more seasoned employees

Rick’s Nuggets

90 day performance metrics are a necessity for a successful hire
Sets up the framework for the communication and expectation structure
Clear guide of what needs to be accomplished by when

How do we build out a 90 day plan?

Start with the end goal (6 months to a year) 
Stay with us forever: They’re bought into the mission and helping us define it
Figure out how we can evaluate that in the first 90 days (limit our investment)
Question what is realistic in 90 days?

To get to 90 days
Negotiation between desires and realism.
Hope for the best but don’t negotiate your minimum expectations

Define 60 and 30
Break out what needs to happen for 90 to be successful = 60 days
Break out what needs to happen for 60 to be successful = 30 days
Keep flexible enough for applicant to define their own OKRs within that framework

Post into job listing. Applicants can define OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) within that posting
Reverse engineer what needs to be
What are the OKRs
Set up framework for people to self manage their goals
Break things down into strategy
Compelling ability to break things down for company
Autonomy, bring people who are smarter and can teach us something

Rick’s Nuggets

Additional formatting for the job add to attract passive people
What’s in it for me?
Performance metrics
Call to Action!

Key Takeaways:

Align to culture first
Have a 90 day plan
Review and adjust the plan as you go

Full video of today's #hirepowerradio show available on YouTube

Guest Contact:

Vaporware website or Email: [email protected]


Website: Vaporware 

Vaporware's Sample: 30,60,90


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