To Cultivate Employee Engagement Focus on Performance Management & Personal Development

Our guests today: Michael Caito, CEO, Management Action Programs

Michael and two business partners launched Restaurants on the Run (ROTR) with a mere $6,000. His company experienced explosive growth after Michael attended a workshop hosted by Management Action Programs (MAP). 

After selling the business valued at 12x EBITDA, Michael seized an almost uncanny opportunity to purchase the very coaching firm that helped transform his own leadership and business development. He bought MAP in December 2017 and is now, serving as its CEO. 

Michael both gives back and pays forward what he learns: He has been a member of Entrepreneurs’ Organization and has served as its past Global Chairman. The balance truly matters, too, fueling his unstoppable energy, direction and focus, a discipline that transpires into positive action, producing results both on the job and at home.

Today we discuss:

Performance management & development: what is it? Why should it matter to me?
5 steps to building a stronger organization

The roots of a successful company (engaged team) start with your hiring process

Snapshot of how things are done 
Demonstrates your commitment to performance 

Challenge today

Staying focused on what is vital today & moving toward innovation

First the focus was on cash
Non market forces we can't control
Moving toward growth & innovation
It is all about process!
Fake it till you make it (imposter syndrome)
Accountability & focus alignment

Why is this important to the company

If you are not focused, you are everywhere
If people are not aligned, how are you getting the best self from your team
Strategy and not chasing shiny objects

Rick’s Nuggets

Growth must be known & demonstrated
Promoting within first, then gathering referrals
Focused and deliberate hiring process wins hires

How do we do it? 

5 Step process to drive: 

Accepting reality
Face the brutal facts of your business. You can't be hopelessly optimistic
Look at what’s really going on. Outside forces
Market & non market forces

Having empathy with your team
What are your people feeling?
You may just have to fake it. Take the steps to show that you are listening

Create an envisioned future that people can get behind
Place that people want to get to
Picture of where we are trying to go

Engage your team
Communication; work together
Stability plan first, where are we going first
Where we are going. Prioritize projects that move people forward

Process in place to hold people accountable
Cadence of accountability check ins
Monthly check in at the minimum
Problem solving exercises
KPI’s & cascading goal setting system
Everyone sets goals
Leader has to have the system in place to align the company. EOS, Gazelle,
Map One page business plan

Rick’s Nuggets

Reality - great companies find a way to grow through difficult times
Listen - to the people you interview. What’s important to them is what ensures a strong hire
Engage- coordinate delivery & feedback

Key Takeaways:

CEO needs to deep dive on themselves. 360 degree feedback to understand yourself and be vulnerable enough to share. Creates psychological safety with your team. Allows people to bring their best selves. 
Need a goal setting system in your company. Habits
Have a coach to hold you accountable. “It takes a village”

Guest Contacts:

Website: MAP   Email: [email protected]


#Michael Caito, #MAP, #Leadership, #Manager, #Howto, #Tedxspeaker, #EO, #Entrepreneurs, #Organization