Do you really need a person full time or will a freelancer suffice? Often the need to get work done clouds our vision who we really need. 

Ask yourself, “what does the business need?” and what is the timing in which the work needs to be done. When you need something quick, you most likely need a freelancer. But know that your explicit communication is the key to successful project completion.

Just don’t shortcut the selection process and hire those who get it, want it and can deliver results.

Our guest today: Shahar Erez, Co-Founder & CEO of Stoke Talent.

An experienced executive with solid engineering, product and marketing leadership backgrounds backed up by sound results. He has more than 15 years of experience in various management positions in a wide range of organizations building stellar teams and leading them to new levels of success in highly competitive markets. 

Shahar has hired hundreds of Freelancers throughout his career and is here to share his expertise.

Today we discuss:

When to hire freelancers vs full time talent
Roadmap to how to most effectively hire freelancers

I struggle with the notion of hiring freelancers as I have time challenges in communication of expectations

Challenge today?

There was no flood in the market of talent
Cultural challenge
Mental barrier

Compliance & back office challenges 

Why is this important to the company?

Get the right talent
Agility to move fast
Flexibility & budget control
Quick time to hire
Try before you buy

Rick’s Nuggets

Even freelancers need to align with your company values
They are part of the culture

When values align & expectations are clearly defined the quality of work skyrockets

What is the process for hiring freelancers?

Open to the possibility of freelancers
No strings attached 
Budget flexibility to get work done quickly 

Training managers on what it is to manage & hire freelancers
No need for a full interview
Lower Expectations 
Very clear on deliverables- what to happen & when

Start with a 2 week project
Define deliverables
How to operate in the two weeks
Clear communication- more important than full time employees 

Rick’s Nuggets

Interviewing Freelancers

Must have a strong Discovery / Screening call - do not shortcut!
Understand the person’s pain, desire & impact
Why do they want the work??
Every person you add has an influence on culture
Do they get it, want it, and have the capacity to do the work? - Gino Wickman
Do not hire if they are just there for the paycheck

Key Takeaways -Value:

Number of independent contractors are growing and will make more than 50% of workforce within the next 5 years
Prepare your organization and leaders to operate within this new workforce composition model
You should treat this as strategic shift and get a platform to assure you are managing this correctly








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