Thinking about the people you hire as objects or obstacles to achieve your company goals is poison. 

Often we venture into the hiring process with the mindset of “how can YOU help ME”. This is wrong in so many ways. Especially if your goal is to fuel the growth of the organization. 

The truth is, the people you hire could care less about you and your goals. This is why people take your job simply for the paycheck and bounce at the first hint of trouble.

Understanding the other person’s pain & desires allows you to connect the dots, for both parties, of how they can bring maximum impact to their careers and the company. 

Our guest today: Jonathan Domsky, Founder of Untangled Coaching

An entrepreneur since he was 24 years old, Jonathan uses many of the same tools as a traditional business coach—goal setting, accountability, best practices. But his purpose in life is teaching personal mastery.

Jonathan’s superpower is to distill this wisdom into practical, easy to understand, and simple to apply tools that will make your life more easy, meaningful, and joyous. To untangle the clutter in your business and life so that you can be your best, most authentic self. And most importantly—see a clear path on how to get from where you are right now, to living your beautiful future.

Today we discuss:

Why you need to change your hiring mindset
How to shift your mindset to fuel growth

Challenge today?

Hiring manager hires people who are not a good fit for the company.
Only thinking about what’s in it for me
Not long term 

Why is this important to the company?

Behavior drives results.  But what drives behavior? Training and incentives aren’t enough.  The answer is mindset
Outward mindset is a tool, a lens, that gets everyone on the same page
Side steps personal issues to allow focus on the organization
It allows space to find solutions to things that aren’t working
Change success metrics (data point)

Rick’s Nuggets

Shift from listening to answer to listening to understand
Need to fill & ego drive hiring. Period
Result 51% bad hires

How do we solve the problem?

Seeing others as having needs, challenges & objectives of equal importance to our own
First ask- what is needed?
Remind yourself “am I doing what is in the best interest of all parties”
Realize the impact that has been received by you in your career
Can you state the top three goals and objectives of key coworkers?
How does what you do affect other people in the organization?

Adjust efforts to actually help them
Make a list of the objectives, needs, and challenges that belong to the people you impact in the organization--peers, manager, direct reports, candidates.  If you aren’t 100% sure, ask them.  Evaluate how you are helping these people accomplish their objectives, meet their needs, and face their challenges.  Make a list of ways you can improve
If the success metrics and incentives in your organization are inward, then an outward mindset is unlikely to have a lasting impact.  Change those metrics so that they are focused less on what you do and what you get, and more on how what you do affects others
What are your current metrics around Selection and Onboarding--do job descriptions and training simply describe what the employee is hired to do? Or does it also explain why they do what they do, and what is the desired impact?
Reporting Practices--are they used to control and monitor or to empower?
Incentives and Compensation and Performance Management--Are people rewarded for individual performance, or for accomplishing group goals?
What are negative effects of inward thinking in these areas? What are ideas to approach this with an Outward mindset?

Measure results
Check in to see that their needs were actually met.  Adjust your efforts accordingly

Rick’s Nuggets

First- Understand what the business needs, not your ego
Second- Understand what the person needs for themselves
Third- Connect the dots
Value load every challenge into the person’s desires and allow them to make an impact

Metrics: Time saved, interview experience

Key Takeaways -Value:

Are the success metrics in your organization inward or outwardly focused? How could you make them more outward focused in order to experience less drama and conflict?
Carefully consider this statement--As far as I’m concerned, the problem is me.  I am the place to start.
Who is one person who needs more from me than I am currently giving? What more could I begin to contribute today? How could I know that my actions made their life easier?







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