We are in the greatest time for opportunistic hiring!  An unprecedented number of talented people are on the sidelines and now is your time to hire the people that will take your company to the next level.  All it takes is some creative thinking and a plan.

Our guest today:  Scott Hamilton, President & CEO of Executive Next Practices Institute (ENP)

Scott and his team of Nextworks partners provide executive and organizational programs around strategic planning & execution, internal innovation methods, performance management improvement and the pioneering use of “collective intelligence” alignment. 

Today we discuss:

Why to start executing your talent strategy next year Today
The 3 critical elements to building your hiring plan - executing in a targeted way

I find the biggest challenge today is that business leaders have not recognized the tremendous opportunity we have in front of us. That opportunity is displaced talent.  

Challenge today?

Getting lost in the covid fog
Getting disconnected 
Employment brand message is getting lost in all the noise
Lost in person networking
Need to force connections in a different way, that you don't know
Expanding your network channels

Why is this important to the company?

Business value proposition, new ideas come from outside our industry
Talent: High quality talent in other arenas
Have skills, aptitude & capabilities to be successful
Transparency & increase communications in our marketplace
Be found easily and understand the value in working for your company
Diversity, Equity (level playing field) & Inclusion 

Rick’s Nuggets

Leaders are still unclear about the opportunity we are in right now!
Disrupting your own business through

How do we build it into your company?

Bottom up strategy
Tap the collective IQ
Clear on mission
Shared purpose
Not just say it, but live it
Culture of learning
Community Partner

Talent Skills
Valuing adaptability
Ideation - create
Culture that allows people to step up & take risks
People who have good judgment
Execution skills

Acting with measurable intent
Knowing KPI’s & OKR’s
Pace & Rhythm
Faster cycle to fail fast, learn fast
30-60 days (smaller projects to allow for testing)
Reward & recognition for hiring - referrals

Rick’s Nuggets

Target and connect
Build a strong referral strategy
Communicate needs daily
Ask for names & contact information of top performers
Contact yourself
Do NOT pitch your job/company/yourself
Treat as a “get to know you” call
Take your time
Hire for value alignment / cultural alignment before skills
Value growth

Key Takeaways:

Get started now on 2021
Business value creation 
Talent value creation

Guest Contact/Links

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