Lou Adler, CEO and Founder of The Adler Group joins us to discuss referral based recruiting. Knowing where to start looking is really the most important element when taking on a search. You must put some thought and creativity into your process!

The Adler Group is a consulting and training firm, implementing performance-based hiring at companies around the world. Lou is the author of Amazon's top-10 best-seller, Hire With Your Head (John Wiley & Sons, 3rd Edition, 2007), & (2nd Edition)The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired (Workbench Media, 2013) and the Lynda.com Performance-based Hiring video training program (2016). Adler is one of the top bloggers on LinkedIn’s Influencer program writing about the latest trends in hiring, employment, and recruiting. His articles, quotes and research can now be found in Inc. Magazine, Business Insider, Bloomberg, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and The Wall Street Journal.

Check out the Blog on the Stride Search, Inc site for the supplementary “show recap” article with detailed takeaways/insights from the interview.