Is AI the future of recruitment? Better yet, will AI replace the need for a resume? Tools are available to utilize AI in improving workflow and screening applicants. The question lies in their accuracy and viability in identifying the strongest people for your unique organization.  

Our guest today: Neil Sahota, AI Expert & Author of “Own the AI Revolution”.

Neil Sahota is an IBM Master Inventor, United Nations (UN) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advisor, Faculty at UC Irvine, and author of Own the A.I. Revolution. He is one of the few people selected for IBM's Corporate Service Corps leadership program that pairs leaders with NGOs to perform community-driven economic development projects. 

In addition, Neil partners with entrepreneurs to define their products, establish their target markets, and structure their companies. He is a member of several investor groups like the Tech Coast Angels and assists startups with investor funding. Neil also serves as a mentor in several incubator/accelerator programs.

Today we are going to discuss

All things AI, What is it, how does it help with hiring
Why it is important today
How to implement the effective use of AI into your hiring today

Why is AI important in hiring through today’s landscape?

People looking for work should be looking for more than just a paycheck. 
Why is this important?
People quit when you bring the wrong person onto the team
Productivity plummets
Ai can eliminate the need for a resume!

Rick’s Input

Automating workflow
Good at all things transactional

How do we start leveraging AI to optimize hiring in today's landscape?

Using AI to eliminate ego based hiring decisions
Story of Omelveney (law firm)- use pymetrics
Testing for cultural value
Allow you to evaluate for culture and team fit
Ai tools to analyze how well code is written

AI Tools Currently Available:


Rick’s Nuggets

Add CTA’s into your job postings to allow the cream to rise to the top
Innovation is eliminating the resume

Key Takeaways:

Elimination of resumes
Reduced bias in recruitment
Increased diversity & inclusion (by accessing “non-traditional recruitment pools)
Quantifying cultural/team fit