Who is showing up more in your life? Your inner critic or your inner coach? 

If the critic is winning the battle, you're not alone.  So, how do you turn this fight around? With Calmfidence, of course!

Patricia Stark is one of the most well respected media personalities and coaches in the business. But behind the lens, she was struggling with her own inner bully and upsets that created chaos over calm. 

On this episode of HIListically Speaking, Patricia shares her journey to Calmfidence and what it means to discover it for yourself.  How to step outside your comfort zone and be courageous. Change your energy to change your life. And get clear on the questions you've been asking yourself, including "what is my why?" 

Get ready to kick self-sabotage to the curb, ease your stress and build self-trust by finding the Calmfidence that already lives within you. 

Learn more about Patricia and her book "Calmfidence" by visiting her website: www.patriciastark.com

You can also connect with her on Instagram, LinkedIn,   Facebook and Twitter

Don't forget, during the month of March, Women's History Month, I'm offering one woman FREE one-on-one coaching sessions to put the power of active emotional well-being back in your own hands and stress less. It's time to step into the tension and Hug it Out! for good. Apply Now! https://hilaryrusso.as.me/hugitout 

Thinking of starting a podcast? Put your Calmfidence to the test and use this link for a 7 day free trial on SquadCast

HIListically Speaking with Hilary Russo
Created/Hosted by Hilary Russo
Edited by David Sais
Music by Lipbone Redding
Recorded on SquadCast

Connect with Hilary
Instagram: @HilaryRusso

Twitter: @HilaryRusso

Facebook: @HilaryRusso

TikTok @hilisticallyspeaking

Website: www.hilaryrusso.com

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