It only takes once decision to change the trajectory of everything in life. On November 9, 2002, I almost made a choice that I would have regretted forever. 

In honor of what I call "Dad's Day", and to mark this milestone of two decades without my father, I share the lessons and love that were gifted to me by my Big Fish, my dad. 

Join me as I share more about the importance of time. How being too busy is never a good excuse. Why you should always look people in the eyes, listen for the signs and keep telling their stories. And how I always keep one ticket in my pocket, "to do with as I choose". 

It's a special club to be part of and one I prefer we did not  know.  But for those who have loved and lost parents, this episode of HIListically Speaking is for you. 

If this episode moved you in anyway, or you know someone who may be touched, moved and inspired by what I shared, consider passing it along and leaving a rating and review wherever your headphones take you. 

If you're struggling with loss or grief, reach out to me to find out how you can turn the loss into a lesson and laugh again. I did it and I know with the right tools, you can too.

Connect with Hilary on Social Media @hilaryrusso






HIListically Speaking is hosted and created by Hilary Russo
Edited by 2 Market Media
Music by

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