Hey there! 

I’m doing a little reboot and re-kanoodling of content on HVTRadio.com so I can support your efforts for self-healing, personal and professional development, like developing skills and awareness in different types of healing modalities as well as alternative, holistic, personal and spiritual growth topics…

Some of those topics include energy medicine, intuitive medicine, sound healing, somatic movement, shamanism, mysticism, ancestral healing, qigong, the science of healing and aging, peak performance, manifestation, women empowerment, intuitive development, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness and more

Part of this is to introduce you to the latest and leading luminary healers, visionary thought leaders, research scientists, bestselling authors, and pioneering agents of change in the realm of MBS. 

Now, I’m not going to be interviewing people again just yet. 

I’m curating experts and bringing them and their significant teachings and findings to your awareness on a podcast.

For those of you who don’t have time to read all of your emails, or blog subscriptions, or watch on YOutube, I created this to keep you abreast of all the latest scoop while driving in your car or taking a long run…or whenever you listen to podcasts

I’ll do my best to make sure titles and intros are clear so you can listen to the topics most interesting to you. 

So here’s the new lineup:

I will share a new episode on Wednesday mornings at 6 am Eastern time in the United States every week.

I have four topics I will rotate thru during the month that include:

A featured tool for transformation,A featured online course that typically starts with some sort of free intro, webinar,  video, or audio series,Self-help Books that are of higher consciousness, meaning they have been calibrated as to their LOC, and I’ll go into a simpler explanation of the “energy” of that calibration. And then a Topic of the month generally around personal development, spiritual growth, and raising your level of consciousness. I am typically inspired by consciousness calibrations that I think will interest many of you. I am also an online marketer, so I do keyword research to see what people are Googling about…

Outside of every Wednesday, you’re going to get some BONUS content!

I curate many current online events, which you can always see on

Join 30 leading natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators. August 21st -25th. RSVP here for the Illuminated Herbalism Summit — at no charge.

This Week's Virtual Events
Discover transformational online events from renowned teachers, visionaries, and luminaries.

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Unlock Your Quantum Powers
Dr. Jean Houston on unlocking your Superpowers
The most relevant FREE event you’ll attend this year

Dream Your Soul Back Home!
The Power of Active Dreaming: How to Use Your Dreamtime for Healing & Transformation.

Meditation 2.0
The Miracle of Direct Awakening Webinar with Craig Hamilton

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