You can register here for Are You Truly Anxious (or Actually a Highly Sensitive Person)?: 3 Key Insights Into Why You’re Often Overwhelmed (and How to Shift)

Today's podcast asks you:

·         Are you truly anxious, or are you a highly sensitive person?

·         Have you ever heard of the term highly sensitive person aka HSP yet? 

Today I want to provide you with resources to :

Appreciate and apply your sensitivity as a powerful assetDiscover tools for thriving as a highly sensitive personDiscover coping mechanisms for dealing with overwhelm and overstimulationAccess to Three insights into why you’re often overwhelmed as an HSP, and how to shift

 This is today’s topic and the newest current event from The Shift Network

You can register here for Are You Truly Anxious (or Actually a Highly Sensitive Person)?: 3 Key Insights Into Why You’re Often Overwhelmed (and How to Shift)

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

Experience a guided “Warriors Heart” meditation on self-compassion and empathyLearn why empathy doesn’t work for you — and why you may be lacking respect and depth in your relationshipsUnderstand why it seems like HSPs are always seeking something — because we live in a world that is not compatible with us and our traitDiscover the reasons why you’re overstimulated so much of the time — and explore coping mechanisms and ways you can change how your brain engages with the worldLearn how to use your strengths as a highly sensitive person in challenging areas of your life

As a highly sensitive person, it’s imperative that you prioritize your own needs.

When you learn to reframe your story from “Why is this happening TO me?” to “Why is this happening FOR me?”…

… you’ll become empowered to live a happier, more easeful life — one that’s designed by and for you.

You can register here for Are You Truly Anxious (or Actually a Highly Sensitive Person)?: 3 Key Insights Into Why You’re Often Overwhelm

Join 30 leading natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators. August 21st -25th. RSVP here for the Illuminated Herbalism Summit — at no charge.

Tired of the Struggle as an HSP?
Brain training programs for highly sensitive persons (HSPs)

Take the Sensitivity Quiz
Do you have the traits of high sensitivity? SEnsitivity is on a spectrum, find your score.

Keys to Being a Healthy Empath
Receive protective practices from Judith Orloff, the Godmother of the Empath Movement

Clear Emotional Blocks to Intuition
Release the Noise that Clouds Your Intuition with World-Renowned Intuitive Healer Wendy DeRosa

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