Today's episode of High Vibe Tribe Radio takes a look at the questions:

What the heck is Ancestral healing and why does it matter?

I also  share the 2022 Ancestral Healing Summit that runs January 18th- 21st, 202:

Take a few moments to reflect on the lives of your ancestors and the kind of situations and circumstances they experienced over the generations…

… their adventures, accomplishments, life changes — and also the traumatic events and oppression they may have endured. How much do you really know about them?

Did you know that the experiences of your ancestors — both positive and negative — can be passed down from generation to generation, leaving psychic and even physical imprints?

Many of you have inherited special skills and talents from your lineages, but you can also carry your ancestors’ traumas in your bodies, hearts, minds, and souls, without being aware of what they went through…


… especially at a time such as this (when collective trauma is at a peak), there can be a re-triggering within you of your ancestors’ suffering, which can then manifest in all manner of ailments, including depression, anxiety, somatic and physiological disorders, and more.

It’s primarily this DNA memory of trauma that now prevents you from leveraging your skills to draw upon your own deepest strengths. 

When you create sacred connections with members of your lineage who’ve passed, you can tap into their wisdom, clearing your energy field and theirs, of intergenerational cycles of trauma that haunt the living and the dead…

… opening yourself to claim the talents and abilities that are your natural birthright … allowing you, your family, and future generations to live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.

That’s why I’m thrilled to share the Ancestral Healing Summit — a global gathering of leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers who will be sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality, science, and ancient wisdom and practices from around the world that promises to transform y

Join 30 leading natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators. August 21st -25th. RSVP here for the Illuminated Herbalism Summit — at no charge.

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