You can register for this FREE virtual event right here.

Today's episode of High Vibe Tribe Radio is here to introduce you to an early pioneer in the field of energy medicine and bioenergetics, Dr. Sue Morter, and her FREE Online event introducing the Energy Codes.

I am also here to share her very popular webinar entitled:

 Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Clear Hidden Blocks in Your Energy Circuitry to Liberate Your Inner Healer, Intuitive Guidance & Power to Manifest.

You can register for this FREE virtual event right here.

I also discuss the level of consciousness of energy medicine, energy healing,  acupuncture, the power of the mind and the human body.

They are all of higher consciousness and calibrate in fields of positive, constructive, upward pulling energy fields of consciousness.

Here are the details of Dr. Sue's FREE virtual event:

Imagine creating your entire life experience moment by moment…

…and releasing the story that your mind’s been telling you about what is and isn’t possible.

It all begins with working with the energy patterns that form your experiences.

That’s because the root of emotional and physical challenges — from stress at work to discord in relationships to chronic pain and financial lack — is energy.

Or rather, these challenges are the result of subtle blockages within your body’s energy field.

And it’s possible for you to remove subconscious and energetic blocks to your health, achievement, and manifestation.

To help you do so, Dr. Sue Morter developed her world-renowned Energy Code teachings… so you can clear the way for profound healing and the ability to co-create EVERYTHING in your life.

Dr. Sue — an early pioneer of Energy Medicine and bioenergetics — will present Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Clear Hidden Blocks in Your Energy Circuitry to Liberate Your Inner Healer, Intuitive Guidance & Power to Manifest.

You can register for this FREE virtual event right here.

You’ll discover:

The missing link in stewarding the energetics of your life for greater health and vitality

Your ab

Join 30 leading natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators. August 21st -25th. RSVP here for the Illuminated Herbalism Summit — at no charge.

Discover Next Level Energy Medicine
Clear Hidden Blocks in Your Energy Circuitry to Liberate Your Inner Healer, Intuitive Guidance

Discover Keys to Tuning Your Biofield
Experience a whole-body ‘tuning’ to resolve pain, anxiety, sleep, and digestive issues

This Week's Virtual Events
Discover transformational online events from renowned teachers, visionaries, and luminaries.

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