104   Being honest and authentic with your partner is important to intimacy–but being  transparent, authentic and open (TAO) with yourself is even more important if you want to  have a relationship you feel great in!

I want this to be the year your marriage changes for the better forever.

So let’s start it off on the right foot: with a TAO process that helps you take a clear-eyed look at yourself in your relationship over the past year, and helps you decide how and if you want to adjust anything on your side of the street this year--so you can be set up for the most success you've ever had at making your marriage the best it can be this year.

Because a marriage that grows in peace, fun, connection, loving team-ship and intimacy can’t happen if you aren't willing to look at yourself: how you act, the choices you make, the ways you interact –and most especially– the ways you THINK. 

If you want to have any sway over your experience in love and the way your marriage goes…you must be able and willing SEE your mind.

In this episode I dive into why and exactly how to do this, along with a process to get the ball rolling right now.

Grab your pen and perk your ears–because this is the beginning of the most influence you’ve ever had over how happy, living and fulfilling your marriage is.


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