146  What can you realistically expect to feel in a good and healthy relationship? In this episode I spill the beans.

Listen in to hear one potent bit of clarifying medicine to help you lean away from all the painful worry and doubt that comes up around your relationship, to relieve you from all the questioning you may be doing about whether this marriage can be improved or not, and help you lean into improving what’s realistic to improve between you and your partner.

If you've ever felt something was wrong with your relationship because you find yourself unhappy, or upset, or having a hard time emotionally about things with your spouse…

Or if you’ve ever been at all unsure if this is the right relationship for you, or compared your marriage to someone else's (with yours coming up short)...

…You've got to listen to what I share in this episode.

Because I lay it out bluntly: what you can really measure a good relationship by (or a poor one!).  No more wondering needed!

You will walk away relieved and also motivated to spend your time improving what CAN be improved, instead of wasting your energy on what cannot. Listen in.

Bring Back The Attraction, the new on-demand 45 minute course to that gives you 7 keys to spark more of the magical appeal you used to feel is now available here.

Find out how Hannah can help you more over at her website.

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