107  If you’ve ever experienced the wonky hormones of PMS or perimenopause, you know they can impact how you feel and act with your loved ones–especially your significant other.  And if you’re highly sensitive, the effect of these hormonal times can be extra hard.

If, at certain times of month, you feel more irritable, snippy, and averse to your husband, if you tend to have more arguments, or feel more easily hurt or don’t feel attractive or attracted to you husband, you’re not alone. Many of my clients have shared with me how their relationship is negatively impacted by their hormones, too.

So I brought on a special guest, Functional Nutritionist, Christine Maccarroll, to help you understand what’s going on with your hormones and how you can bring them back into more balance so you can feel better, restore your mood, and have an easier time in your relationship all month long.

Join us as we laugh, empathize, and wonder at the female human physiology, nutrition’s effect on us, and the interrelationship between our personal wellbeing and our marriages well-being. 

She gives us simple but highly effective steps we can take to gain back our mood and energy for a better life and marriage through and beyond perimenopause. 


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Find Christine at her website: https://christinemaccarroll.com/
Or on Instagram:  @christine.maccarroll 

Find Hannah at lifeisworthloving.com

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