121 Our natural empathy as  HSPs can be a beautiful gift or big challenge in our relationships. I’ve heard from many a client that they feel their empathy is overwhelming and drags them down. I have seen how it can also lead to resentment and hard times in relationships.

If you've ever had that experience,  the good news is your natural empathy can actually be used to build greater intimacy in your relationship–once you’ve learned a few simple ways to work with it.

Today, we dive into how empathy can lead to the deepest intimacy in our relationships, and also how it can come with a dark side–emotional contagion--what I think of as disempowered empathy. 

Then you will learn how to shift into what we can call an empowered empathy, which actually benefits both you and the other person, instead of draining you.

Listen in as I share stories and the high empathy strategy that all HSP’s should know!


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Find Hannah and all her offerings at Lifeisworthloving.com

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