116  If you feel like the love you once had in your relationship has faded (a little or a lot), and dissatisfaction and disappointment have  moved in,  you are in a phase of relationship I call disenchantment. And truth be told, finding yourself here is more the rule than the exception in modern relationships.

But it doesn't have to be.

Today you'll hear the 3 reasons why disenchantment is oh-so-common, especially in sensitive people--and it’s likely not what you think!

You’ll also learn the good news about what finding yourself here means, and get 3 tips to set you up to get out of disenchantment and into a deeper, more fulfilling, more genuine love than ever in your marriage.

If you are tired of being less-than-happy in your marriage, and you’re ready to feel truly hopeful, encouraged, and empowered to bring your marriage alive with love, ease, connection and attraction again, listen in.


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