Hi loves! Thank you for tuning into another Episode of the Higher Love Podcast! This Episode is all about the Ego. Your Ego Is the opposite to your Intuition aka your Higher Self. This is the part of you that wants to keep you safe. Literally. Your Ego would be happy to just have you sit inside all day in a little protective bubble if it meant you weren't going to die. Yes, it's that dramatic. Most every single one of us is driven by the Ego and when we learn to allow it to come down, we open a lot more opportunities for ourselves. Think of your Ego as that overly protective parent that never wants to let you go from their sight. Always carrying anxiety, low vibrations and a fear based mind set. This type of mindset will manifest everything you DON'T want in your life instead of bringing things you do want in your life. When we can learn to bring down the ego we can learn to open new doors of amazing opportunities and begin to manifest our greatest life. For more information about the Ego find me on Social media at Instagram: Shatelkrentz FB Shatel Krentz or Shatel Krentz Psychic Medium.