Previous Episode: January 2023 Energy Report
Next Episode: March 2023 Energy Report

When you think of February you think of Valentine’s day and that is the main focus of the month. It’s typically the month in which our thoughts are on love, romance, and relationships whether we are celebrating what we have, regretting the ‘one that got away’, trying to forget the one that broke our heart, or hoping that our turn at love comes soon. But February is so much more than that and this month has some beautiful and powerful energy that is going to highlight this year’s Reckoning theme and present a clear ascension transition path. 

Have you ever felt like the calendar was wrong to start with January, often the coldest, darkest month of the year? If we celebrate the birth of the new year in nature with spring, why do we celebrate our new calendar year in the cold of winter? Until 1752 the calendar year did begin with the month of March and then it was changed to the Julian calendar which began in January. With the ‘old style’ calendar, February would have been the 12th month of the year and the final month before a new year begi,n in spring with the March Equinox. That’s why February is named after , Februus, Roman god of atonement and purification.

Now this is a new focus for the month where we typically think of romance to consider a less ‘romantic’ theme to the month and make the best use of its energy. It’s fully aligned with the 2023 theme of  Reckoning and the Path that we are embarking on this  year. Since 2023 is a 7 year and that number represents contemplation and inner growth, as a 2 month February’s numerology is a 9, the number of completion. How appropriate and supportive for us to prepare for new growth and new beginnings in spring, which is next month’s theme. 

Rather than focusing on love and romance this month, which can be a challenge if you do not have a love to celebrate, we’re going to look at alchemical purification, at-onement, recalibration, and ascension energy movement. This doesn’t mean that love is out of the picture, but it does mean that we cannot continue to chase after love and continue our love patterns which include choosing healing over wholeness, perspiring instead of inspiring, and seeking our own redemption by redeeming others. 

It sounds harsh but if we are to fulfill our own desire for love then we need strong energy boundaries, more self esteem, and a willingness to engage in partnerships that are energetically aligned and not emotionally unbalanced.

read the rest of this article on the Enlightening Life Blog at this link. 

Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

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