Corinne Zupko, EdS, LPC, is the author of From Anxiety to Love. As a licensed counselor and keynote speaker, she has helped thousands of individuals through her one-on-one counseling, weekly meditation classes for corporations, and the largest virtual conference of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) in the world, through the organization Miracle Share International, which she co-founded.

Here she and Dawson talk about:

Corinne's story
A Course in Miracles (ACIM)
The polarities of love and fear
Fear as a shape shifter that can attach itself to any thought or experience
Facing our fears and anxieties... and admitting we have them
Allowing yourself to be where you are; without judgment
The voice of fear is the ego; the voice of love is greater than self
Practicing strengthening the voice of love inside you
Healing the belief that you are separate from love and all other fears fall away
The first thing to do in meditation is simply show up
The light in you is too great to fail

Corinne can be found at:

Dawson can be found here at:

Note this episode was recorded originally live for on April 19, 2018.

#eft #eftuniverse #fromanxietytolove #mindtomatter #blissbrain #voiceoflove #acim