Melissa Watson-Clark, LCSW is the founder of Gardenwood Counseling Center, a private mental health practice, in Maryland. Gardenwood is a gathering space for holistic wellness where workshops promoting peace, calm, and balance take place. Melissa provides individual counseling to African American women, who experience firsthand the impact of microaggressions and systemic racism. Melissa has a Facebook group is called Black Women Tapping into Infinite Possibilities. Before founding Gardenwood she served as a social worker in non-profits and public child welfare. Melissa finds that healing takes more than talk therapy, and we must clear the energy blocks in mind and the body, so she has trained in herbal medicine, Reik and EFT tapping. She and Dawson are both passionate about the destructive legacy of racism and finding ways to make a practical difference. Here they discuss:

Melissa's story
Helping people heal energetically
“Trauma capsules” buried in the muscles and energy fields
Solution oriented conversations
Addressing discussions around race
Challenging people in your inner circle
Energy psychology and EFT in dealing with fear
People who profit from division live on fear
Asking yourself if your fear is valid
Exploring what stories have you been told about people are different 
Exploring stories heard about scarcity?
The erroneous belief that if I have more, then someone else gets less
We live in a country with enough for everyone
Getting to know someone else who's not like you

Melissa's website:

Dawson's website:

#eft #eftuniverse #mindtomatter #blissbrain #race #diversity #holisticwellness