Steven Woods is an engineering director at Google Canada leading 500 people. He has a PhD in Computer Science and started the first voice recognition software company in 1999 called

He fired himself from his own company and then re-hired himself, he went to Hawaii to meet someone in person that wasn't answering his calls. He didn't make the school golf team and was named MVP the following year. He has been told that he can be too passionate. Needless to say Steve doesn't like to take "no" for an answer.

His journey to Google is one for the books. He went from school to playing hockey in Australia to scuba diving, back to school, to the golf team, to Pittsburgh, to Silicon Valley, finally to Google and more in between.

Hear how one day Google literally came to his house to recruit him.

- Crazy ride to Google Canada (0 - 22:00)

- $200m business that started in a basement (24:30 - 26:00)

- How to prioritize with the 70 / 20 / 10 method (33:00 - 35:00)

- Three traits in every successful person (56:00 - 1:02:00)

- When to take risk (47:00 - 54:00)

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