In episode 13 of the Her One Thing podcast, host Kristin Zeier dives into the topic of empowering vocabulary.

When Kristin entered the corporate world in America, she began to notice that women often use limiting words in professional settings. She noticed that women over-apologize, second guess themselves, use qualifying phrases & downplay accomplishments.

As Kristin became increasingly fascinated by this topic, she noticed that women also do this in social settings. Then, she started to observe her own vocabulary and that two of the limiting words she uses the most are, "just", and "try". For example, "I'm just going to try & start this online business". 

She asked herself, "Am I going to try or am I going to do it? And, what's with the word just? It's not just an online business! It's an amazing endeavor that I should be proud of!".

To empower her decision, she decided to replace that phrase with, "I'm going to build an online business".  By tweaking the words slightly, the energy massively shifted that Kristin felt toward her big goal. 

An emphasis is placed not just on eliminating limiting words around goals but also around money. Kristin shares common limiting words and phrases along with alternative options that can be swapped to empower you. 

Lastly, Kristin shares how you can quickly & easily take an assessment of the natural flow of your vocabulary in its current state. This way, you will know where you're starting from & how to improve.

The goal with empowering your vocabulary is shifting the energy that you are creating within yourself and projecting into the world.