When Jillian Richardson moved to New York City, she realized what it meant to be truly lonely for the first time. She had no consistent community - people who would wonder where I was if I didn't show up. Jillian was disconnected.

Turns out, loneliness is a huge issue in the United States. The average American only has one close friend, and 75% of people are not satisfied with their friendships. The planet is filled with people who feel like they don't matter. That's pretty bleak, right? Yet this feeling is rooted in something even deeper and more primal than a need for conversation. What we really desire is intimacy, and to feel like we belong. In order to make that happen, we need to fundamentally change our social lives. 

Jillian Richardson is a coach, bestselling author, and connection expert. She’s also the founder of The Joy List, a weekly newsletter of community-centered events in NYC. Jillian helps people learn the skills to connect more deeply to themselves and others, and has inspired thousands through her workshops, interviews, and public speaking engagements. Jillian loves everything under the umbrella of connection and dives into topics from friendship to dating and spirituality.

She joins Dr. Pam to talk about creating true, lasting connections in our modern world, finding your people, and her book Unlonely Planet: How Healthy Congregations Can Change the World.