Is it time for a change?We all face major life transitions. Workplace, relationship, family and location transitions often lead us to adapt to new circumstances.

Career Paths
People often speak of career paths as linear things, each job leading perfectly to the next. In truth, it’s a messy process. Don’t expect your next career move to be a linear move from your current position.

New opportunities may present themselves as you get older. It’s okay to do something new. Leverage your wealth of experience and network into a field that excites you. Be open to entrepreneurship.

One important thing to note is the active sexism and ageism for women over 50 in the workplace. Assumptions are made that they won’t fit into the culture, are too experienced, or won’t be working for long. You may get the interview but not be considered for the job. This is why it’s important to use your network.

Transitions are uncomfortable. Making your life more comfortable in other ways makes it easier to navigate a transition without things falling apart. Know what you need for self-care so you can make the pivot in your life.

Stick to a plan. Schedule execution of tasks during your transition. They may not be fun, but they must get done.

Learn to accept feedback. Integrating feedback from experienced professionals may help you navigate the transition better.

Gaining the skills to transition will improve your life. Job transition skills are transferable to moving to a new place and learning the lay of the land.

Big leaps start with baby steps. Carve out some time each week to work on a major change. Consider career testing if you don’t know what to do next.

Listen as Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin joins Dr. Pamela Peeke to share how you can survive and thrive the next change in your life.

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