We talk a LOT about women's health, menopause, and hot flashes on this show. But hot flashes happen to men too! Who knew?!

Jeffrey Marchi is a San Francisco native, with a career history in computer programming & at IBM.

But Jeff is on the show today because he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2010. He had surgery and a few years later radiation because the cancer came back. In 2017, Jeff started on a medication called Lupron - which is well known for causing hot flashes. He suffered greatly with continuous hot flashes for about a year - until he found out about Depo-Provera which can greatly reduce the incidence of hot flashes for men with prostate cancer. Four years later (early 2021), he started another medication called Zytiga - as his slow-growing cancer had reoccurred. That greatly increased the number of hot flashes along with the intensity.

It was in 2021 when he was also introduced to the Embr Wave device which can stop hot flashes as they occur. This has helped him greatly, and it stopped the hot flashes from being a major limitation in his life.

He joins us today to talk about finding treatment as a man with a "women's" health issue, regulating body temperature with the Embr Wave, and battling prostate cancer.