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How can you deal with a lack of self-awareness?You often hear talk of self-awareness in relation to someone who doesn’t seem to have enough of it.

Self-awareness is comprised of internal and eternal self-knowledge. Internal self-awareness is clarity of self, knowing who you are, understanding your behavior patterns and passions. External self-awareness demonstrates knowing your impact on others. These two aspects are not always related. You may be better at one than the other.

Self-awareness is the secret to success in the twenty-first century.

Most of us believe we’re self-aware. There’s so much room to grow. Humans have blind spots. We also want to see ourselves with rose-colored glasses. We live in a world that is leading us to be more self-absorbed and less self-aware.

Listen as Dr. Tasha Eurich joins Dr. Pamela Peeke to discuss how to improve our own self-awareness and how to deal with a lack of it in others.

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