Sound is all around us but because we live in a visually biased world, we have lost track of how important sound is.

That is the mission behind Dr. Nina Kraus' work, to remind us of the power of sound. She says scientists have trouble communicating their research to the masses, and she wants to help us fully understand the sonic world we live in.

Nina Kraus, Ph.D., is a scientist, inventor, and amateur musician who studies the biology of auditory learning. She began her career measuring responses from single auditory neurons and was one of the first to show that the adult nervous system has the potential for reorganization following learning; these insights in basic biology galvanized her to investigate auditory learning in humans.

In her latest book In Of Sound Mind, Dr.Kraus examines the partnership of sound and brain, showing for the first time that the processing of sound drives many of the brain's core functions. Kraus does on to explore what goes on in our brains when we hear a word--or a chord, or a meow, or a screech.