Financial circumstances can be overwhelming when dealing with grief.Women typically outlive men by five years. When you lose your mate, full financial responsibility lands in your lap. Sorting out how to support yourself while grieving your loss is stressful.

Widowhood means financial burden. But, it also stimulates resilience and inner courage to conquer these complex financial matters.

Women wield their financial power differently from men. They are more likely to invest in social impact causes and things that are dear to them. They look for performance and security while putting their money where their mouths are.

Tips for Widows & Widowers

You have to file as a beneficiary for your spouse’s retirement account.
Get your spouse’s logins and passwords for all shared accounts.
Be sure you have the permissions to access your spouse’s trust.
Know that you may endure probate.
File for survivor’s social security.
Sit down and discuss everything while your spouse is alive if possible.

Listen as Maddy Dychtwald joins Dr. Pamela Peeke to share the financial impact of widowhood.


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