Put a plan in place to stop self sabotage and reach your goals.People who self sabotage often blame themselves for the things they aren’t getting. Some self sabotage is biological. We’re built to avoid stress and seek rewards, so we don’t push to make change because of the stress.

Self Sabotage Busters

Be aware of your thoughts. Every negative emotion and regretful action is proceeded with a thought. Root out the thoughts that get in your way.
Pay attention to the thoughts that get too much attention. Label thoughts as a mental event. Add “I’m having the thought that…” before any negative thought.
Imagine imprinting your thoughts on something external to you, like leaves on a stream. It separates the thought from you and gives it a physical boundary.
Create a blueprint for change. Put all of the smaller steps to reach a goal out there so you don’t have to think about them every time you need to take action.
Define your top five values in life right now. Every goal should be tied to at least one value to make it easier to reach. It also improves your motivation when the going gets tough.
When you’re calm, consider your triggers and come up with an alternate plan. If X happens, have a logical plan to do Y. Triggers lead to emotional reactions.

Listen as Dr. Judy Ho joins Dr. Pamela Peeke to discuss getting out of your own way.

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