Is rest a part of your rhythms of life? I am so pleased to share this truly beautiful conversation I had with my dear friend,  Stefanie Boyce. Listen in as we talk about slowing down, giving up control, fighting the hustle and hurry of our culture, and developing patience. We go deep and talk about the role of pain and suffering plays in spirituality. Stefanie shares her story and we have some sacred moments in the midst of it. You won't want to miss this beautiful conversation.

Stefanie is a spiritual director, yoga instructor, and public speaker. She's an advocate for Restorative rest, which is the kind of rest that truly energizes you and fills you up.

Connect with Stefanie
Facebook: @StefanieBoyce5

Step into The Life You're Made For, I'm cheering you on!
Music by Heather Penny and Andres Salomon
Produced by Cody Vermillion