Christopher is upset that James didn't notice his new sunglasses or fancy shirt
This IS a podcast
Doing "Follow Up" makes us sound smart
Veterans Day
Christopher's grandfather at the Phoenix VA Hospital
James loves bad dreams because they are "so weird" and James is, well, pretty weird
Don't use analogies with James, he just hears the analogy
"I meant a Bud Light" (follow up)
1993 WTC bombings - 6 fatalities and over a thousand injuries (follow up)
Christopher wants to "Carfax" the WTC
James didn't take Physics but he is really good at it anyway
Christopher thinks James is an inventor, but James just makes junk to make his coffee less splashy
Christopher worries that keeping chickens makes him sound like a farm boy, but this is Phoenix damn it and that's how we roll
Foot mouse? What the hell is a foot mouse?
Mechanical mouse balls are, balls
Christopher, don't sniff that! Seriously, what is wrong with you?!
Grinder sniffs the microphone
You can't make me smell that Christopher!
James resolves to NEVER buy a used microphone
For the love of god, DON'T SMELL THE BALL!
Taking offense is optional
Victim currency
Don Rickles
Comedy is complicated, so give them a break
Kramer got canceled
Comedians in Cars getting Coffee Obama episode
Christopher just can't stop talking about his gross mouse
James gets violent
The mouse's stinky wheels
Christopher, did you taste the ball? ....
Mennonites have dirty wheels too
The foot mouse is OVER! OVER!
Contractors are noisy, but if James had a gun...
Christopher will smell anything. Except marijuana.
Marijuana sneaks out the window
Christopher, take your super taster nose and just go home.
Catalina island has a marijuana hour
James threatens to 'marijuana up' Christopher's car
America is getting less interesting
Even the homeless don't want to talk to Christopher
"John does flips on the beach"
Art school is getting boring too
Chaos is necessary to generate ideas and without ideas culture and civilisations die
A little human contact goes a long way
Zeus's birthplace is unimpressive. Or maybe Christopher went to the wrong place.
Christopher starts talking to goats... and they start talking back.
Astronauts and goats
The posh homeless
Catholic begger in NYC
Christopher prefers the front end of the goat