Before we even start, Marijuana
We actually vote, like for real
McCain and Romney just needed better websites
Christopher likes long, boring reads
Shuttle Challenger disaster and a not very sensitive Bud Light joke reference
Comedy, especially jokes about people blowing up is... complicated
1993 World Trade Center bombing
Christopher's Mama is so... OK, maybe not
Couples that vote together stay together
Venice Beach will get you stoned
James's brother's room smelled like... Marijuana
Christopher doesn't know what happened to his parent's bong
National Geographic has boobies
If you produce DVD technology, you're really in the porn business but don't tell Disney
Hollywood is sleazy and filled with hypocrites and nepotism
Charity giving is really just marekting
Opioid charity give-backs
Christopher hates Marijuana because it's stinky and the billboards are gross and that's why it shouldn't be legalized
Marijuana is legal now which is fine, but the actual law is stupid
The Salton Sea is a mess that will only get worse and kill everyone in California (Follow up)
Christopher doesn't like that a bunch of Californians are moving to Arizona and bringing the silly ideas and stinky Marijuana
James Brown, not Chuck Barry was on Miami Vice (Follow up)
While Christopher sings and dances, James sits quietly in the corner waiting for it to end
Risky Business
Fake IDs
Christopher's friendly happy time feel good cover band
The election that won't end
YouTube ruins James's night with election news so he gives up and just watches nothing but Lindsey Stirling videos
Key & Peele
"This funny thing where we have to breath"
"Can we go to Michael Jackson?" "Ugh, if we must."
Christopher learns broadcast news sucks
The "EyeWitness News" format ruined news, the country, and probably the world
Safety inversion