In this episode, Rebecca Boskovic shares her perspective on the achievement of beauty. It’s an inside job by walking the path of truth and courage.

Ever since she was 5 years old, Rebecca was very aware of her “own thinking”. Being very self-aware she learned how to process her feelings at a young age. But then as she grew older, especially when she hit adolescence, self-consciousness crept in. She started questioning herself. Stopped looking inward.

And in high school, as is the case with many teens, the need for approval from others became prominent in Rebecca’s life. She was more worried about what people thought of her. Everything was outside in and she found herself trying to appease the world, giving up who she was for others. She found herself in a pitched cacophony.

Rebecca’s big “Aha” occurred early on in college when her therapist asked a pointed question that shifted her whole perspective on herself, life, and the world. From that point onward she approached life and decisions as to what she wanted from the inside out with greater clarity.

Show Notes:

Listen in to hear about her philosophy on fitness and whole-body health. What’s involved in the achievement of wholeness and beauty. How to love the body you have while simultaneously seeking the body you desire and much more such as:

1.  Her perspective on Truth, Courage, Beauty

2.  Optimal health is not about what you look like, but rather how you feel

3.  Achievement of beauty - learn to love yourself and tend to your soul

4.  Beauty is dynamic – slightly imperfect

5.  Our life stories inform our path and purpose

6.  Confidence leads to beauty and strength

7.  The impact of adolescence

8.  Importance of awareness regarding our "Self Talk"

9. What to do when you have reached all your physical goals and still feel empty

10. Important questions to ask yourself:

      - Do I really want this?

      - How do you know what other people think of you?"

11. AHA Moments that cause us to pivot

12. We’re all part of a great human body

13. "You were born perfect"

14. Be the tortoise and just show up every day


Favorite Book:

Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives by Tim Harford


Website and Contact Info:

Strength for Life Podcast:


More Info:

Rebecca lives a life infused by the love of…and in loving…her husband and four children ages 15, 12, 8, and 5.

Her happiest moments are spent on picnics with her family, in watching her children grow and mature, and when a client discovers they’re stronger than they’d ever imagined they’d be.

A lifelong seeker of truth, beauty, and courage . . . Rebecca believes that the best things in life include all three.

In her current endeavor to launch her personal training studio in Suwanee, GA, she helps clients who are looking for that personal touch in achieving their fitness goals.

She understands that for lasting change to take place in someone’s fitness goals, we also need to tend to how we see and feel about ourselves.

Her ultimate goal for her clients is for them to see transformations at not only the physical level but the mental and emotional as well.

Rebecca is the founder and CEO of The Fittest Me – a personal training and nutrition studio and digital site focused on whole-body health. She also has a podcast called Strength for Life.


Music by Jonn Serrie

Intro and Outro music composed and recorded by Jonn Serrie.


Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music