Show-notes and Transcript

Great to have John O'Looney back with us to discuss the ongoing effects of the mass jab experiment. 
John has been in the funeral business for 16 years and his on the ground engagement with bereaved families gives us an insight into excess deaths. 
He joins us to give an update on what life has been like over the last twelve months. 
He also shares what he is seeing, and that is an alarming rise in the amount of people dying from cancer, especially younger people. 
He shares his thoughts on the Covid Inquiry that has just started in Westminster (spoiler...he would call it the Covid cover up or Covid sham). 
And we touch on his recent suspension from Twitter. 
John must be the only funeral director banned from Musk's platform of 'Free Speech'! 

John O’Looney has been a funeral director in the UK for over 15 years, and with his family they run a successful business in Milton Keynes.
John started noticing things were not right in late November 2019 when he saw a 'blow-up pandemic mortuary' in a local hospital which he was told was set up in preparation for 'something really horrible coming'.
In 2021, as the vaccines rolled out, he was witness to a spike of unusual deaths, and while his peers and colleagues in the industry kept quiet, John bravely spoke out and questioned the narrative.
MK Family Funeral Services

Interview recorded 13.6.23

*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.

Check out his art and follow him on GETTR and Twitter 

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(Hearts of Oak)

Hello Hearts of Oak and welcome to another interview coming up in a moment with John O'Looney who joins us for the third time. His 16 years as a funeral director, he has an insight on what is happening regarding excess deaths and it's been a year since he was last with us and he gives us an update of what he has seen in the last year. We touch on the many conversations he has with relatives as they come in. He talks about how busy he is, twice as busy as normal, talks about that cancer seems to be behind a lot of it, of course all linked to the jab.
What is that about? Something I've been looking at recently. And we discuss why he's being banned on Twitter. Once again, why would a funeral director be banned on Twitter? Something is not right. I thought it was a free speech platform, but hey. And then we look at the COVID inquiry that's just started in Parliament. Supposedly to get to the bottom of everything in, COVID, all the failures, but as John and I discuss, we think it'll just be a whitewash and I know many of you will feel exactly the same. It will not get to the bottom of anything, for if it did, it would find many politicians guilty and charged with massive crimes. I know you'll enjoy listening to John as he speaks truth as he has in over the last three years and is an inspiration to us all on holding to what is true and speaking out regardless of the consequences.

Wonderful to have you back with us again. Thank you for your time today.

(John O'Looney)

No problem at all. It's great to be back. Thanks for having me on.

Not at all. It's been a year and I remember vividly a year ago because it was the hottest day of the year. I remember trying to get out of coming to see you, but I'm so glad I came to see you because I got to see where you work. So I remember that well.

Well, seeing is believing and a lot of people have come to the funeral home, you know, just to verify who I am and to give me a hug and to say thank you. And it's been overwhelming. It's It's been lovely.
Oh, well, you know, for all the wrong reasons, you know, unfortunately,

I know, I know, but I want to obviously talk to you about your business and some of the issues you've had on that.
And we have covered it before, but it's always good to get an update.
And obviously at the moment, the COVID inquiries just started, and I'm sure you'll have some thoughts on that.
But probably at the beginning I see that you have been suspended on Twitter.
You must be the first funeral director to be banned on Twitter.
What is it that you do that's so bad?

For one, I don't pull any punches, I'll say it as it is.
And unfortunately, honesty is a crime these days that you get punished.
And I called for capital punishment for these people, because I think that's the appropriate sentence.
So the evidence is overwhelming. The evidence is, there's no doubt in anyone's mind, the Metropolitan Police are not doing their job.
Mark Sexton and Peter Highland have presented a rock-solid case of overwhelming evidence.
They're not doing their job.
They're not pursuing it.
The crime is clear.
It's crime against humanity. It's genocide. It's democide.
They should be taken to Nuremberg, they should be arrested by the police that we pay to uphold the law, they should be taken to Nuremberg, they should be tried with the overwhelming evidence, convicted on that evidence and sentenced with the appropriate sentence for the crimes they've committed. And the appropriate sentence for those crimes is capital punishment is death.
And I make no qualms about that, that's what I want to see happen. I live for the opportunity to say, give my testimony in Nuremberg.

But you've got a big reach. You obviously have exposed and spoken of what you've seen in your funeral parlour and despite Twitter trying to restrict you, you still have a huge following and your voice, your videos have gone far and wide, haven't they?

Yes, yes. I could never initially understand why people engage with me and in the way that they do. I guess it's a combination of the serious nature of what's happened and the desire for truth and answers that they're just not going to get on MSM, you know, mainstream media. And also they know that I'm on the cold face and they know I'm telling the truth. They can look at me and they look in my eyes and they know.
I don't have to try and convince them. I'll say as it is and people don't like that, then you need to start shouting about it and start, because only the people are going to save the people. It's no good relying on your police force. They're not going to do anything. I had a police officer in here six, seven days ago who I'm dealing with one of the funerals and openly admitted that the police won't act. They're under instruction because of the public panic it will create. So they're well aware of what's going on. That's what they're being told. The reason is not to pursue these criminals, these disgusting, corrupt, genocidal criminals, because of the public panic it will create when everyone realizes they've been poisoned.

Well I think certainly from our point of view why we come to you and why others do is the chaos we face over the last three years and you're someone who understands from a professional point of view and you're legit. I mean just spending time with you there in the funeral parlour a year ago it was really worthwhile and I certainly benefited massively from seeing you and just sitting with you connecting with you and realizing that what you see is what you get and I think people appreciate that.

Yeah 100% I come you know my dad always said to me a couple of things he said, always treat people as you want to be treated you know, and me, what kind of guy would I be knowing what I know if I said nothing I'd be complicit. I'm not prepared to be complicit. I've been offered money, I don't want money. I've never taken in no amount of money, they could offer me 10 million pounds, I'd still tell them where to do one, you know. I'd still happily pull the noose and ......., you know, because these people are monsters. So I can't be bought.
I'm not frightened of being honest. And I understand that the consequences of not speaking out are far more serious. And what puzzles me the most, and I've said this many times before, is the stupidity of these people that have taken the money and are going along with the narrative.
What do they think the future holds for them? Because our future is their future. I can't believe they're so stupid, you know, what good is the money they've been given, going to be in the world these people have planned for us? Their stupidity is beyond belief, their wickedness is beyond belief and we will prevail, I tell you now, we will prevail. It'll be a very costly affair.
But the people responsible will be held accountable and I feel very proud and humbled to be part of that, even at the expense of my own life, I really don't care.

Well, John, for the first time in my life, before we go into your industry and then some of the stuff on the COVID inquiry, but for the first time in my life as a healthy 45-year-old, I've kind of thought, and I saw you at Jeff Wyatt's funeral, kind of I came away from that thinking, you know, I'd like someone like John O'Looney to actually look after my body when I pass away.

Do you know the, it's funny because my, well you tend to get a build a template when you do this kind of job and my response to that would be well I don't take youngsters but sadly I've had no choice because our government are actively killing them off, you know, that I'm still seeing and there's only so many times you can say the same story, it is exactly what I said it would be and what it was and we're still seeing way too many people coming in for this time of year should be probably doing half what I'm doing. I'm actually at the stage where I have nearly no room at the inn, you know, that's unheard of for this time of year. What everyone else is doing I really don't know, you'd have to ask other undertakers but they know, they know, I see the looks and they all give me a nod and because they know and they're too frightened to say anything, you know, and I get that but the reality is if they had a had a backbone and they had of spoke out this could have all been finished a long time ago and instead it's going to drag on and lives are going to be lost because they never spoke out.
That's the bottom line you know these people have the power to change things and with that power comes a great responsibility and I suspect these people will look back and regret their actions at some point or their inactions whereas I will meet my maker with a clean conscience, and I'm not frightened you know so they can do whatever they want, I don't care, the life of your child is more important than mine. I'm 55, I've had most of my life.

How long have you been a funeral undertaker? How long have you worked there?
How long have you had the business?

So I'm in my 16th year now. 10 years of that was spent working for the co-op, nearly 10 years. The first five years was really good and then the second five years was just after the bank collapsed and they brought the money men in. It was all about propping the bank up, you know, the bank, debt and the emphasis changed very much I felt, I'd hasten to that's my opinion and to give you an example they used to get the girls to do arranging and it would be I could overhear the conversations the managers would give the girls and it was you know tell them you're going to do the best for their mum and show my best coffin and that kind of thing whereas that's not something I would ever do I don't it doesn't sit well with me trying to get people to spend a thousand pound on a coffin for cremation. So I decided to set up my own business to not operate like that and I've been going six years now and it's really on on the template of treating people the way I want to be treated.
If you do that, you haven't got it. And I don't earn anything like the same money, I know when I knocked on doors looking to get in as a funeral director and you see all the Aston Martins sitting outside and the big posh premises and I've got an 11 year old Mondeo.
Because it's not about the money. I have to get paid because I've got bills to pay myself, but I'm not a wealthy guy and I would die poor, I suspect, you know, because I'm not very mercenary.
I care very much about people and I think, the only way I could say is I reinforce that by putting my arse on the line for people. I'm not prepared. The amount of money that I was offered in an email to give my story as an exclusive and then contractually not talk to anyone else, would have paid my mortgage in then some and I wasn't prepared to do that. I've still got a mortgage and I do wonder if I'll ever pay it now.

Well just to touch on your business for going on Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services and it's a service that we will all need at some point in our lives, before we touch on the COVID stuff. But yeah I mean what is that people can come to you, they can go on the website, the links will be in the description and they can use your services for something that we all require at some point in our lives.

Most definitely, I mean obviously I would say I do get a lot of calls from people, people say you'll ruin your business, If you speak out, it'll ruin your business.
It doesn't. People respect your integrity. They see that you actually care about people.
There are so many people in this industry who don't really care.
They just go through the motions. It's 9 to 5. For me, this is not a job. It's a vocation.
Caring about something is not something I ever switch off, be that 3 o'clock in the morning or 1 o'clock on a Sunday morning.
You have to get up. You have to go and do it. And you have to care.
So I get a lot of people ring up, especially since this last two years of genocide, asking me to look after them, and logistically it's just impossible because they're too far out, you know.
Unless they want a Milton Keynes funeral, it's very difficult to do a time in for a funeral in Timbuktu and know that I'm going to get there and not be able to look after 10 other families that I'm looking after.
So it's, you know, it's very frustrating wanting to help everyone.
And if you operate on that kind of template, it's very successful.
So you do get to the stage where you get that crossroads where you think, do I employ?
And I don't want to become the very thing that I left in the co-op.
I wasn't happy there. It was very toxic. There were a lot of people.
How do I get someone to be as enthusiastic and as caring as me and my missus are?
They're not. You're going to dilute your level of service. And I'm not looking to build an empire.
I'm just looking to look after people come through the door and they're broken.
And quite often, people come through the door now they've not only lost someone, they know their loved one's been murdered by the state.
You imagine how that feels and to be able to make some sort of difference professionally by giving them a bit of care and compassion, I find it really quite rewarding.

Well, I've been there and I've seen the many cards that you receive, the outpouring of thanks, of gratitude for that support, which you are at a hugely difficult time. I mean, what is that like, kind of going through?

It's humbling, but in honesty, I don't feel like I'm doing anything really special.
All I'm doing is caring. Isn't that something we should all be doing for each other, whether it's a child that's fell over and cut their knee, or somebody, a stranger crying at a bus stop, and you stop and say, are you all right, love?
You know, why shouldn't we, you know, what's special about caring for people?
You know, I lost my dad. He was only 57 when he died.
And he had something terrible called motor neurone. So he wasted away and he was all twisted and he couldn't even wipe his arse.
And I remember when he died feeling a mixture of grief and relief and then guilt for the relief.
How can you be relieved your dad's died?
But he was in a condition you wouldn't keep a dog and he'd be the first one to say that.
And the reality is he took his own life actually two weeks before he would probably would have died anyway.
He was knackered, bless him. So I kind of know that pain and then you can relate to that. That's why I think it's very hard for young people to get in the industry for example, because they've got no life experience of that kind of scenario so it's difficult then to relate to someone and be able to know what they want to hear and be able because you've never had that life experience. That said I would urge any youngster looking for a job for life, if you're excuse the pun, to get into the funeral industry. You know the co-op and a firm called Dignity are good, they're big players in the industry and they're a good place to get a foot in the door to get experience and then to go and set up on your own because really the end game is go and work for yourself and I'm not talking about financially but to be able to do it the way you want to do it where it's not all about sales and funeral numbers. It's not funeral numbers, it's mum, it's dad, it's a child, it's a son, it's a daughter, it's so much more than a funeral number.

Tell us, you were one of the, certainly the first that I came across, that as a funeral director spoke out at what they were seeing, the excess deaths, what you were finding in people's arteries.
In effect, you were a whistle-blower and kind of working in Parliament, I've seen that term whistle-blower being used and the protection that gives or should give. How did you feel?
Did you feel any protection as you spoke out?

No, not really. I guess, I mean, people have suggested to me that to keep talking protects me.
I never really spoke out considering myself and my own position.
If I was solely bothered about me, I probably wouldn't have said anything.
I kind of, as a man with a moral compass, who cares very much about others, if you see a blind man crossing the road, would you go and intervene, or would you pull your phone out to film the incident?
You know sadly we live in a society where half of the people with this nut case that was allegedly going around stabbing people babies and stuff you know you've got three three or four people filming it.
What's that about? It kind of suggests to me that either it's a very sick elaborate setup, just to keep us all distracted from the real story, or there are some very sick people about who are more bothered about likes or earning money from the news story and the payment for the footage. For me, do you know how many films I've got like that on my phone? None, because it wouldn't enter my mind to film it. I'd just get stuck in and give them a right good hiding, its a sad world.
It's a sad world. And it just is what it is.
Unfortunately, I think that was one of the hardest things. I think when I spoke out initially, I'll be clear.
I believed in COVID when it first came out, probably for about 12 weeks.
And then as time went on, I gradually saw through the lie until I was utterly convinced.
And then, of course, I had the meeting with Sir Graham Brady in Westminster.
And I was in no doubt.
Life's never been the same since sadly

I'm assuming that Graham Brady hasn't emailed you following that to ask you for your input further

Um no no Graham Brady won't he's a gutless scumbag, I'll make it very clear, I don't pull any punches, he sat there and he listened to what we all said then said it's above his pay grade there's nothing he can do, he's a scumbag, with with power comes responsibility to wield that power and leave a legacy. Now, you can leave different legacies. Do you want to leave it one of good? Do you want to be remembered as someone special who cared about others or do you want to be remembered as someone who sold their soul to the demons and that's what he's done. All he's bothered about is him and his perceived seat on the ark. The same as all of them. They all know if Graham Brady knows, Boris Johnson knows, Rishi Sunak knows, they know, they know and they choose not to do anything about it which is why the police are not doing anything about because they're under orders. On April the 28th of 2022 I went to
Milton Keynes Police Station, Thames Valley Police Station, with the great Mark Sexton.
God bless him, he's a wonderful man. And I asked to speak to an officer, you know, as a local funeral director concerned about a number of deaths. He seemed very keen. He said sit down. He went upstairs. He came back with a totally different attitude. He'd been told not to talk to us. The incident number was 1068, for those who are interested. We were told that they were, we were told to sit and wait. So we waited a couple of hours. Then he came down and said there's no one free, there's no one free? To talk about a number of deaths? they're all out there pointing speed traps or chasing people for posting hate crimes, you know, Muppets, they're Muppets and I've lost all respect for the police to be honest.
And I don't care if they're only doing what they're told to do, they should hang their heads in shame, they made an oath and they're breaking that oath and they should be ashamed of themselves. And I do wonder if there's any coppers left with a backbone or a moral compass, again and I would say to them, what do you think guys, the future holds for you? When they dealt with the last of us, when the last of us has been dealt with in whatever fashion, whatever the plan be. What do you think the future holds for you guys?
You haven't got a seat on the ark. Don't be fools. You know, they're tools, they're being used and once they've fulfilled their purpose like all tools, they get discarded, I can't believe there's so many of them are so cowardly.

Well, look, we've, it was a year ago, I spoke to you and you talked about the excess deaths you were seeing and what you were finding when you did the autopsies. Kind of a year on, what is your assessment or perception or view of what is happening? What are you still seeing to this day?

I'm still seeing unnatural numbers of, to give you an insight, I'm seeing an unnatural number of deaths in young people, primarily from cancers and from sudden heart attacks or strokes in people that didn't have any prior history. I look on my wall, to the right of me, there's one, two, three, four, five of my friends, my personal friends that I've grown up in their 40s and 50s that have died in the last 12 months, every one of them was vaccinated.
Yeah, yeah, it's a real gallery of heartache, you know. So last week on the 7th, I received an email and this is one of many that I receive constantly because people reach out to me, they know I can be trusted, you know.
So it says, hi, John, I contacted you last year supporting your views on COVID and the vaccine mandate.
I realize you are busy, but just to let you know how this thing is playing out in my workplace.
I'm a nurse of 17 years, and I've spent the last eight years in palliative care settings.
Over the past 18 months, there have been a massive increase in cancers diagnosed in those under 50.
The time between diagnosis and death is often a few weeks or so before any treatment can even be started.
Cancer of the bile duct, cancer of the appendix. I've never heard of this previously.
Glioblastoma is now common, especially in the under 40s. It is heart-breaking, yet people are blind to see the cause. It is so sad.
Apologies for my rambling. Thanks for continuing to speak out
despite the negative impact it may bring you. Kind regards. And I'm not going to say her name.
But that's just one email of, I get them constantly.
I have police officers sitting here telling me they know what's going on.
They can't do anything out because they're not allowed.
They're not allowed.
It doesn't make it right. It doesn't make it right. What are people going to do? And while I commend all of these efforts through the courts, it's a double-edged sword, so I believe the Covid inquiry is a joke it's just to percate the masses as as they go further down the madness on climate change and 15 minute cities and and destroying the food chain.
And closing all the farms down, an interesting conversation I had today, I had started a little bit late, I took my dog for a walk in the morning because my missus had to go and collect a deceased from Birmingham, early start because the mortuary is only open eight till nine. What's that about? Eight till nine in the morning, an hour to collect deceased. Yeah, so she had to leave at the crack of dawn and I was saddled with taking the dog out, which I don't mind, he's lovely, bless him, he's a little cockapoo. So I'm over the fields, at the back of our house there's a wood and there's then endless fields of wheat this year, the farmers planted, and there's a guy with a tripod and as I'm coming up I can see him and I thought he was taking photographs, and as I got closer, there's like a little flying saucer, not a camera.
And I kind of said, Oh, hi, you know, I said, what are you doing?
And he said, I'm a geo surveying. I said, okay. Um, why is that? And he said, because they're going to turn it into a solar farm.
So I said, what'd you mean? He said the whole, yeah, they're going to turn it into a solar panel farm. That's what it's going to be.
He said and that's the plan for the whole of the UK farms are going to go to solar farms, and he actually agreed it's insane but said it's his job and if he doesn't do it somebody else will.


What is the matter with these people? How can they not see? How can they not see, if I said to you, listen, we've got an agenda. We want to depopulate. I need you to poison kids for me. What would be the price that you would do it for them? I just can't. It does. There is no price.
I wouldn't care what they offer me, what threats they did. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it.
You know, and I can't believe these people are doing roles, fulfilling roles that they know is going to harm the community, everyone, and still going through it. So that's a really interesting conversation. And I kind of said, you know, I mentioned about the farms in Holland and what they were doing there, and that's the plan here is to turn every farm they possibly can into a solar farm.

Yeah, no, we drive across the country and you see fields covered and it's unbelievable.

Yeah, well now they're doing the massive farms at the back of us.

Yes. Can I add that the COVID inquiry, it was, well, it's just started, literally, today, as we record two days before this goes out, and it was interesting reading the media that now suddenly are interested in freedoms, although they didn't really give a damn the last two and a half years, but suddenly they're supposedly switched on.
But actually the COVID inquiry was urging people who came to it to test for COVID before the hearings. Immediately you saw this is charade. If that is the first step, it's charade.

It's total bullshit you know. From the beginning and when you look at people, I can remember talking very early on to a BBC reporter, Anna Brees, who is a truther, who had a range of masks for sale on her website.
You know, when you're like, come on, what is the hypocrisy?
GB News, the People's Channel, you know, the amount of times I've reached out to them, they don't want to talk to me. And when you listen to them, you had Mark Steyn doing a really good job and a couple of others. The rest of it is exact same MSM bullshit.
Pushing trans this and trans that and climate change. And don't get me wrong, I don't care what someone wants to be. Do you know what? Quietly, privately, the same as I have to.
You know, if I went around barking how heterosexual I was at everyone, they'd soon get sick of me.
You know, it's an agenda. It's smoke and mirrors. It's to divide us and to get us all busy fighting each other, ignoring the real story. And that's genocide. You know, people need to wake up. And the same with all these stabbings. I'm not convinced these are genuine events. I would have to personally speak to the families. You can't believe anything you see on the news. And I watched the video footage. I worked on the door for seven years as a doorman in pubs and clubs.
I know what it's like when it kicks off. I've been attacked with a knife myself as a younger man.
It isn't realistic. The footage doesn't look remotely real to me personally and I think
there's a great possibility that it's orchestrated to divide us with the community that they're important, to keep us all busy attacking each other, not actually focusing on who the real enemy is to all of us.

I agree, it looks, I felt exactly the same watching the footage.

It's just, it just doesn't look real, it doesn't feel real, it looks horrid, there's no sense of real urgency or panic or, you know, what adult in their right mind would film babies being stabbed?
They clearly knew what was going on but chose to film it. It's just utter rubbish, I just don't believe it and this is the same, brought to us by the same people telling us it's safe and effective, you know, no it isn't, no it isn't, I'm putting people in coffins in record numbers even now, I don't believe a word these people are saying, in fact I am in my experience now whatever they tell me, the truth is the polar opposite.

Well at the inquiry talking about 226,977 deaths where COVID was recorded on the death certificate, the interesting thing is they admit that they were significantly higher amongst those with dementia, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, so they list a whole load of issues that would make you vulnerable to anything and could contribute to death and yet it's all down to COVID.

I spoke to many of the carers in these care homes. Obviously, the care home is an environment I go in regularly. It comes up in conversation. Some carers are far more vocal and truthful than others. I know what they did. I know what they did. They got a great big payment for every COVID death. They got a great big payment for everyone they could convince needed ventilating, to damage their lungs. They got payments for everyone they could throw remdesivir in. They got payments for everyone that could throw baricidinib in and toxilizumab.
I've challenged the hospital. I've been ignored by powers after my stay.
I know what they've done. They know what they've done. They've done it for money and they're stupid and they've got to live with their self now.
Whatever way this goes, they've got to live with their self. I tell you the way it's going to go is there's going to be a great deal of civil unrest because more and more people are going to lose loved ones. You only have to look at the ONS data.
I would say a third of the people that are coming in now are really, really angry because they know what's happened, they know, they know.
Some of them are not aware, they're blissfully unaware. So well done, New World Order, because you've convinced them, you're slaughtering them, and convincing them is nothing you've done.
I know what you've done, I know what you've done.
And a growing number of people know what you've done.
You will be held accountable, you will be held accountable. I'm gonna push, along with many others, to see that that happens.
And I look forward to going right to the head of the snake.
And I'm not frightened of them. I'm not frightened of them.
What disgusting, despicable people. You know, soulless, Satanists, soulless scumbags.

Oh, they're complete. It's weird when you see how the media report on us.
But The Guardian were reporting that 25% of people don't believe the COVID narrative.
And I actually was encouraged by that, that obviously the media are worried.

Oh, I can tell you, there's a great awakening and there's nothing they can do to stop it.
And the harder they try, the more people see it. So let them do their worst.
I love it. I love the fact that it's now getting really quite dark because now people are seeing the truth.
These people's days are numbered.
They're gonna lose everything they've got.
They're gonna lose it all. and I'm gonna be one of the people to make sure it happens.

Tell us about the conversations you have with, you touched on a little bit, but with those who come in, whenever it, through the conversations, you will understand actually it is the jab that's actually caused this.

Well, I kind of, during the arrangement process, very early on, we were having to ask people, you know, was mum or dad jabbed, you know, because initially we kind of thought, well, you know, does it mean that they're less contagious to dress or wash, and of course we have a draconian government who have abused people's human rights laws and they pushed them and forced them and blackmailed them and coerced them into having these jabs and then made it really important that you're up to date on your vaccines you know there's going to be a passport there's going to be a you know brutalizing people abusing their own citizens so people have been very forthcoming if I've asked and and it's very difficult really with someone in their 80s for example you may say that there's a chance that that person would pass away anyway and I understand that but when I'm getting a record number of people in their 30s, 40s and 50s, especially, 40s and 50s being the key areas of un, record numbers, I've never seen anything like, it. I'm pretty sure when someone comes through the door and they're 45 years old, they've got no history of heart trouble and they've had a sudden heart attack and then I ask what's the vaccine. Oh yeah, they've had all their vaccines.
They know, they know, a lot of these people know. Now I'm not there as a conspiracy theorist to say oh yeah you know your mum, not only have you lost your mum, your mum was murdered. You know I'm not, it's not my place to do that, I'm there to help them but if they bring it up and they say it was the vaccine, I'm happy to talk to them about it and then I'm happy to tell them my experience and the look on their face as the truth dawns on them and they know, they know anyway, all they need is someone on the cold face to confirm what they already know, and the reaction when they speak to the coroners and they know the coroner's a liar, you know, someone's lying to your face, they know, they know, they go to the inquest and they they know, they can see the lies and there's nowhere to go. I get call after call after call after call asking me where can I get a second opinion, where can I get, you can't because you could get a private post-mortem done. It'd be the scumbag coroner who works for the government doing it privately taking more money off you. You know when it's like, what's the point?
You know, they're not going to um I've complained to the coroner, the local coroner, I've complained to the chief
Coroner of England and I got a four-word reply. So, I emailed him and I said, what are you doing about all these massive number of thrombosis deaths that we're seeing? I know you're seeing it because I'm seeing them here.
They're not unique to me and I got a four-word reply we follow government policy that was it, so government policy is to list the cause of death, the cause of death was thrombosis.
Government policy dictates you don't go any further than that so they're not because they're, doing what they're told to do isn't that what the Nazis did, uh in Nuremberg I remember, I've seen the videos where they said we were doing what we told to do, doesn't make it right it doesn't mean that you don't avoid the noose. And these people must know, they must know what the future holds for them. There is no seat on the ark for any of them, there is no seat on the ark. It's only together we're going to stop this and we're going to look back on history and we're going to be grateful that we actually came together and wish we'd done it earlier.
You know, people need to realize there is no, there, our future is their future. You know, whether I'm here or not, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter. The idea is for me to leave a legacy of truth, to inspire others, to push for the change that is clearly needed. It's a must.
Otherwise, there'll be nothing left for God to save. There'll be nothing left.
These people are gonna destroy everything, except them in their little bunkers with their food store or whatever. You know, it's sickening, absolutely sickening.
But this is the battle we face. This is why we're here, isn't it?
So I'll embrace that task. And every death doesn't dishearten me.
It makes my resolve stronger to push for that justice.
And that's what I'm gonna continue to do until they nail me and I have a sudden heart attack or a sudden, very aggressive cancer.
I know what the risks are. I don't care.

At the beginning you talked about you're busier than ever, you've no space. What does that mean?

So here in a funeral home my capacity is about 15. I'm at 13 at the moment. Usually this time of year I would have four or five. So is that because I'm running a successful business in year six and building a reputation as a good undertaker apart from a conspiracy theorist?
Yes, probably is, uh your reputation or okay. If you said there was a 50% increase in year six, I, should have seven or eight in and I've got thirteen.
Why is that? I don't know. You tell me, I kind of said what I thought.
What do others think? What is what are other undertakers doing in their funerals? I don't know. I look at the ONS consistently 20%. 20%, 20%.
Yeah. I think the last one went down to 9% in excess deaths. Nobody is bothered. Nobody wants to know why. Nobody is at all bothered.
You know, it'd be interesting to see this COVID inquiry debacle touches on that and
I worked it out actually in World War II. Over the course of days, it's an interesting statistic, I've got the numbers somewhere, I'll throw them over, but during the duration of World War II, British soldiers there was, well the first uh excess deaths works out at 284 a day um covid, sorry excess deaths at the moment historically there were 284 a day, in world war it It was 175 they were losing a day.
160 yeah, that's the difference it's 100 higher than world war II in excess deaths, unexplained excess deaths and the commonest thing I see on paperwork now is death unascertained death unascertained, how can that, how can they not know when I'm pulling this white stuff out of their arteries, you know that grows post-mortem apparently, it only grows post-mortem so after you die your arteries fill up with like white rubber, it's, but you know it's it's so frustrating but the truth is out there it's in the numbers isn't it you know so they can say what they like, I'll be remembered for the right reasons.

You've talked about what you pull out of arteries and we had Richard Hirschman on before and telling the same thing, what is the response to others in the industry?
Because they're seeing the same thing, I assume.

Yeah, this is the stuff. (Shows blood clots in glass jar)


So this is like a white calamari stuff. This came from the neck of a 31 year old woman.
Single incision, straight case, she wasn't post-mortem.
And when he withdrew the nozzle of the embalming pump, this flew out.
This never happens, it's not normal.

It's not normal, that's what I was gonna say, it's not normal.

It's not normal. It's never happened. My embalmer said the same thing. He's got 20 years. He's BIE registered.
You know, British Institute of Embalmers. They've all actually been warned openly warned not to say anything to anyone about any concerns that they have, can only report it to to their their media advisor kind of officer, Kate. I think her name is, it was very interesting. So, they have a bi-monthly British Institute of Embalmers magazine and that's given out to embalmers as members of the BIE and there's a clear warning in there, you know, you don't talk to anyone with any concerns. Why would you not, why would you even tell people that? Surely if you have concerns, you should raise those concerns. No, not according to the BIE, you don't talk about it.

Your role as you look at the bodies, as you talk to the relatives, you're talking about how they have died. I mean you talk about the excess, the cancer rates and that's one particular that I've looked into and I'm shocked at. We've heard of the myocarditis, the heart issues and we've had Ed Dowd on before. I mean is it a range of issues which you're seeing that seem to be caused by the the jab itself.

It's mainly super aggressive cancer. So cancer, right? I'll touch on that. Pre COVID jab, people come in and I'm a people person. I get to know that family from the first phone call, collect a near loved one from the place of death, be that the hospital in the home where district nurses visited them and put them out in their misery, basically bless them. And so you build a bond. And at some point you would say to these people, so what happened to mum, what happened to dad with a cancer death and they would give you their cancer story if you like, and it would be a three, four, five year story, now we're getting people will like Helen, said in the email that I've got, six weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks, too quickly to even get treated where they're actually presenting at stage four. And there's a reason for that. So this mRNA, it reprograms your T cells.
So the way it works is everyone develops cancer in their body. As they get old, their cells reproduce and you get the odd cell that reproduces and it's broken. That's a cancer. And your T cell detects this and it goes, oh, there's a cancer. Pow. And it zaps it. As you get older, your ability to do that falters. Well, what happens is with these vaccines, it's switching that T cell off. So as these form, they're totally unchecked. And this is why we're getting people die from cancer. They didn't even tell me the number. I think it's number 48 is what, gene 48, whatever that is, or, you know, but it's a T cell basically that tackles cancer.
They turn that off. So of course, then the cancer runs riot. And that's why they're dying in eight weeks instead of two or three or four or five years, you know. And again, we're seeing people dying from cancers that are really unheard of, super rare ones.
It sticks out like a sore thumb. I've got hospice nurses writing to me to say the same thing.
They're seeing the numbers. I'm seeing the numbers in people in their 40s, people in their 50s that just didn't die before. To give you an idea of how unusual it is now.
When I worked for the co-op, we were, the hub I was working in, we were doing about 800 funerals a year and it was busy and busy as a relative term, to the amount of staff you've got there but to give you an idea, I do about 160 funerals a year here, I guess, a ballpark figure and when I worked for the co-op and we would do it 800 a year, I could count the amount of people, 150 on one hand, in a 12 month period. I've had that in some months. 150. Yeah, it's phenomenal increase, phenomenal and that correlates, I've had insurance specialists get in touch with me and say we're really worried, we're seeing incredible numbers of policy pay-outs in the under 50s because they're all dying of cancer after being vaccinated, that you know it's undeniable and it's, it certainly is there to the point we're having an inquiry, well why are they having an inquiry if it's safe and effective, because they know and they're just trying to placate people and carry on with the agenda, do you know it's insane and it can only ever end one way and I believe us in civil unrest sadly and I don't want people to kick off and start smashing and burning. I want them just to simply turn their backs on these people and say no, we're not, we're not, no.
We're not doing it anymore. When they announce the next lockdown, be that for climate change or because of civil unrest, they've cultivated by throwing thousands and thousands of young men from a far away country and then throwing out loads of propaganda saying how terrible they are whilst encouraging them perhaps to be terrible. You know, whatever the reason for the next lockdown, Don't comply. Don't do it.
Don't do it. I'm not saying that you have to be committing crime, but don't be locked up in your own houses. Don't follow, you know, don't let your business go under because you're not going to work.
That's what they want. That's what they want. And even talking about it and thinking about it, it's insane really, but this is the position these demons have put us in. An Agenda 2030 is very much underway, you know. The sooner people wake up, the sooner we've got a chance collectively to stop it and change it and put these people at the head of the snake in a position where they understand they're going to lose everything unless they backtrack and stop it and throw a few people under the bus, your Fauci, your Gates and that's what they're going to have to do because otherwise they will lose everything and I can't wait for that day, be I here to see it or not.

Because I'm expecting watching the inquiry they will throw the odd person under the bus who's a nobody like Hancock or someone.

I want to see all of them. Everyone is guilty. And then, providing we can keep them in a position where they don't commit suicide in the prison cell, which seems to be a very common occurrence, doesn't it, with anyone who holds key information. I want to see Gates, Fauci, you know, even the likes of Soros. What a scumbag he is. You know, what he's done is unbelievable. He's the devil incarnate, you know. And, oh, you're anti-Semitic if you say anything, no I'm not, you know. The reality is it doesn't matter what religion the guy is, he is a scumbag, he is the devil's own and you know I hope there is a God, I believe there is and I hope that he deals with him and Soros doesn't look like he's got much life left in him anyway and I will celebrate his death like Christmas.
He's a scumbag. He's an absolute scumbag. What he's done is wickedness, absolute wickedness.
Even from when he was a teenager, robbing the dead.
You know, and he did it because other people would have. Like, that makes it right, you know?
And what an awful person? And he's just gone from one demonic act to the next.
I'm looking forward to seeing... There's a documentary about to emerge from Mel Gibson on the child trafficking in Hollywood.
I think we're all waiting for that with bated breath. Let's hope there's a catalyst. There must be some police officers or military somewhere that are a force for good and have a moral compass and a backbone and care about children. There must be. So let's hope there is such a force, or a collective force, be that an international collective force of good that wants to force the change that's really needed to save humanity from these people.

No, 100%, 100%. Can I finish off with a point, which I think I've done each time I've been with you, just to point out that you actually, weirdly, someone who works in the funeral business benefits from excess deaths because it's business, weirdly, but yet you are speaking out, so there's nothing for you to gain from speaking out.

No, I've got everything to lose, I've got nothing to gain.
Do you know what, I was never short of work.
I was never short of work. I like to look after people that have had a full life.
I don't want to look after seven-year-old kids who died a week after being vaccinated.
I don't want to look after 32-year-old mums of three who've got sudden, very aggressive, unexplained breast cancer that takes them in three weeks.
I don't want to do that. I shouldn't have to do that. But my government has poisoned people.
And I don't think it's naïve of you because Graham Brady, his face, at the meeting, it said the story.
He said, I can't stop it. above my pay grade. These, we've let the wrong people get into power and it's time that we had a purge and we got rid of them and we put people in there with a moral compass. You know, we'd be better off with a dustbin, a dustbin man in Westminster running the show with a moral compass.
It would do better for all of us, you know. It's, we've got to see change. We've got to see, and I'm not talking about reform and all the other bollocks. You know, I want to see a total dissolution of Parliament and a re-fabrication, you know, the whole, everything, it needs to go, the lot of them, they're all scumbags and I think what illustrated it for me more than anything else was when Mr Andrew Bridgen stood up to voice concerns over an unprecedented number of constituents dying and they all got up and walked out and then you've got these haggard, poisonous old men of privilege, going around and berating two young female MPs and bullying them out.
And not to listen. You know, that's not democracy. That's not democracy. That's Nazis.
They're mental. What's the matter with them? And it makes me really quite angry and animated.
And that's what people need. I think they need to get angry and build on their moral compass, and force the change that's needed. We are the power. They're nothing without us.
They're nothing. They're haggard old men sitting in a posh house somewhere. They're nothing without us. We don't comply. They've got nothing. And that's what I would urge people. It's the same same as voting, right? There is no democracy. It doesn't matter who you vote for. Labour, Tories, two sides of the same coin. So I would urge everyone to go to the ballot box because, you have to go and vote. If you don't vote, you give your consent to whoever's voted in.
So you have to go and write across your ballot in black ink. I do not consent. Put it in the spoilt ballot papers. They are counted. They represent the feeling of the public.
So, don't sit at home thinking, oh, it's a waste of time, it is a waste of time voting, but go and vote to spoil your ballot paper and write, I do not consent.
That way you're withdrawing your consent to whatever candidate is voted in.
You have to go and do it. You can use their process against them, you know, don't sit back and think it's a waste of time. I'm not going.
I can tell you, I'll go down there. I'll be down there and I'll put, I do not consent across my ballot paper.
That's counted as a spoiled paper. numbers are revealed, let these scumbags get in on a couple of thousand votes with 25,000 spoiled papers and see them shuffle their way into their second home and all their expenses paid no electric bill, no gas bill because we pay their bills scumbags, scumbags.

John I can't agree with you more and as an honour to speak with you, a voice of reason and you've become a figure that people look to and listen for your balls of courage.

Well I care very much about them, and I would care very much about them from beyond the grave and I'll run back into the light to get back at them because I will never give up, I will never give up and I never, I'm not going to be politically correct and pull punches, I'll tell them as I feel it is and I think I speak for a lot of people.

Absolutely, well thank you so much John for your time today once again.

And yours Peter, God bless you and God bless everyone.


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