Show-Notes and Transcript: Alex Jones - America Destroyed By Design #AlexJonesWasRight

For over 25 years Alex Jones has built up InfoWars, a news organisation that strikes fear into the heart of the establishment. 
He has never backed down or followed anyone else's path and in 1998, in his first documentary called 'America Destroyed by Design', Alex laid out the threats to America.
He showed the public how Communist China, The Bilderbergs and the Trilateral Commission were the enemy. 
Five years ago Big Tech tried to finish Alex off, yet all they have done is make him the force he is today.
An absolute honour for him to join us at Hearts of Oak, enjoy and please share.

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Interview recorded 17.6.23

*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.

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(Hearts of Oak)
Hearts of Oak. Thank you so much for your time.

(Alex Jones)

Thanks for having me.

Not at all.

We'll just jump in. It's, look, it's been nearly 25 years since you started InfoWars, and I wonder what moved you? I mean, what was your assessment of what was available and why did you decide to actually start something?

Well, Wikipedia says InfoWars started in 1999. That's not true.
I got the website in 1997, but it says it was registered in 99. That's not right.
I got on air in 94 on local access TV as a guest on shows, and then I got my own show in 95 and got a local radio show in 97.
I got syndicated in 98, and I just I was aware of what was going on in the world.
I had read a lot of books about the new world order and globalism because family had given them to me that were informed.
So I was kind of fast-tracked to know what was coming. And then I saw what family had warned me about when I was young, actually all over the place.
So I began to research, not just the books written by the John Birch Society and people like Barry Goldwater.
But I started reading stuff by Anthony Sutton, who was the top archivist at Congress.
Then I started actually reading the books he recommended written by the bad guys, like the Georgetown mentor and political science professor, Carol Quigley, who wrote Tragedy and Hope.
So when I was about 18, I read that 1100 page book that described the entire way they control the world.
And how US intelligence emerged, the British intelligence after World War II, now they were establishing a planetary government and what they wanted to do and how they wanted to break up the family and basically create a form of communism for the public but robber baron fascism at the top for the big corporations, and and really like the 1970s movie Rollerball where there's a corporate elite that rule the planet and they are above the law, And even if you're a champion Rollerballer like James Caan is, the executive wants his wife just to execute the power and takes her and she has to marry him and there are no nation states in the future, there's only, megacities, which the globalists say they're going to end the nation-state and only create these city-states, like we see with the Vatican or the city of London inside London or Israel.
That's really the model, or what they're setting up in Saudi Arabia, they call The Line.
They're setting up several other sovereign cities within Saudi Arabia.
So that's really the model where they're all exempt, we're all made poor, and then a big UN World Peace Force controls things, we're all disarmed.
It's really a dystopic system they're establishing and building.
So I learned about it when I was young. It was kind of background noise.
But then by the time I got out of high school and saw it actually happening.
Then I decided to make it my life's destiny to fight these people.
And I really innately believe in humanity, was betting on humanity, that this was the next big authoritarian, totalitarian threat to humanity.
And I knew that communism and Nazism have been spinoffs of this very group in their own writings.
And so I really felt threatened by it and a sense of destiny that I was going to battle them, because I could see what they wrote about in the 50s was done by the 70s.
What they wrote about the 70s was completed by the 90s.
And so I was sitting there in the 90s reading their horrible plans for Agenda 2020, which they basically
almost got done but are a little bit behind, maybe five ten percent behind, but they basically got most of what they wanted very ambitious strategy by 2020, then I of course saw their Agenda 2030 program that is just absolutely like beyond Hitlerian, you've got the WEF head spokesman saying you're useless eaters quoting Hitler.
But it's okay because he's Jewish. Which is just totally bizarre and just the future is not human, Cyborgs will rule by 2047.
You will eat bugs, you will like it. We won't have cities, we'll have communes by 2030.
We're gonna depopulate you by 90%.
I mean, I shudder to think how they're gonna try to get their goal by 2030.
Their program is falling apart, they're behind schedule, but they only accelerated each time they get behind.
And when faced with such a dystopian movement, the average person has a learned helplessness, a normalcy bias, kind of a Stockholm syndrome thing where people just go, this can't be real.
I'm just choosing not believe this. But I will assure you, ladies and gentlemen, all you gotta do is watch a WEF event or read their transcripts.
And when you read it, it's so diabolical, it's so Lex Luthor that it's hard to fathom it.
But it's hard to believe that World War II happened and that 25 million Russians died and 24 million Germans died and that Hitler ran around and killed tens of millions of people.
I mean, it's just, but it happened.
And we've lived in the West, kind of sheltered by the Renaissance and by the fumes of Christianity.
But those fumes have now run low and the fires of liberty have gone out and tyranny is exploding again.
But historically, once the tyranny explodes and lifts its ugly head, there's always a Renaissance against it. So we are in a do or die situation right now.

Well, I watched America Destroyed by Design quite a while ago and then had re-watched it, and it actually intrigued me that you were calling out the Communist China.
You're also calling out the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg's.
I mean, how has it taken like a decade after at least for most conservative voices to actually understand that China is a threat and even just more recently the Trilateral Commission, which isn't really on anyone's radar?

Well, you're right. I mean, if you look at the Trilateral Commission and the CFR, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Politburo of China.
There's a couple hundred men.
And a few women that run the planet and they're Europeans and they're Asian. And there's a few Latin Americans and a few Africans, but it's mainly European and and Asian.
And they are a eugenics cult and they want a lot of such technology and they do not believe in the public having a future and they're extremely dystopic, I mean they believe in a dystopic program for humanity. They believe in collapsing civilization, and then using that reorganization to launch a new form of civilization, a technocracy after that.
And I can see their elitist point. It was a lot of aimless people, and there's a lot of resources getting used.
But who puts them in charge of making those decisions? And I think the public should be told this is happening to them, that sperm counts are down 90%, that they're knowingly allowing industrial chemicals into the food chain that do give us cancer and do make us infertile, and that they brag about how they did that.
So they put Trojan horses, not just in the cell phones to listen to us and track us, they've got Trojan horses in the GMO crops to sterilize us.
And it's not just that it's, but not, you know, they're not just neglecting us.
They are doing this by design.
As you talk about the Trilateral Commission set up by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller in the mid 1970s, it was a super management group basically like a finance arm of the Bilderberg group.
Which is the very top, basically the same members, to then coordinate the round table groups below them to a better level.
So absolutely, the Trilateral Commission is right at the top.
But again, if you see who's on the National Security Council of Countries, if you see who's on the UN Security Council, you see who's, you know, the heads of the central banks, literally, it's a couple hundred people.
And then on the steering committees, it's about 20. So, Campbell wrote the book.
The committee of 300, it's a Campbell. I've interviewed him many times, my brain. I'm tired today. But that was the old name of the British East India Company, Corporate management. So when I talk about it being a UK based thing, it's not, it's not an Anglophile or an Anglophobe thing. It's not the British that run it. It's not even King Charles it's just that management system of covert corporate control with interlocking corporate directorates, then controlling government militaries is the model and the centre of the wheel of the management directive and directorate.
And so that's what it is. It's the British empire merged with the US empire.
But not to make the empire for freedom or the people, it exploits the people of North America, exploits the people of the UK, exploits the people of Australia and Canada and everywhere.
And it is a system that is in competition with the Renaissance and with productivity and with Christianity, real Christianity, not corporate Christianity.
And so that's why it's at war and has to bring down the first world.
They're not bringing down the first world to raise the third world.
They're lowering the first world so people never aspire to that again.
And so the third world goes down, the old world goes down, we all collapse on each other.
And then the city states will then take on themselves high-tech breakaway civilization that only operates just like the Hunger Games books, which again, is based on what they really wanna build, where you have these high-tech regions, high-tech systems, and then everybody else is kept in squalor.

Well, some of the organizations more recently, the WEF and the WHO, they seem to be blatant in what they want to do, it's not hidden. When you were doing this 25 years ago, it was hidden.
You were exposing what they didn't want to expose. Now, they televise some of the WHO stuff. It is out there.
And now full movement towards restricting travel with vaccine passports in the next year.
How has that moved away from that being blatant and open from being hidden?

Well, that's what's so frustrating about this is,
I was just successful at getting this out to a large audience. I certainly did not develop much of the research. I mean, I've gone out and covered things myself and done, and you've gotten the latest info, but I, I mean, there was a hardcore group of people around the world, mainly who'd worked in military and intelligence, who was read into this and, decided to say, I'm not gonna be part of this. Like both sides of my family, you know, had people that were working in the military and intelligence. And that's who I first heard about all this from when I was a small child.
And then it was just background noise. So, the fact that I knew about this, and then they would deny it existed and say, I made it all up.
And Alex Jones is the guy that came up with this, as you know, been a narrative for many years.
But really what's happening is there comes a point that they have to emerge.
And so they're building it behind the scaffolding. You ever seen a big ship get launched?
They'll have big doors or a big curtain.
They're building the ship behind that. And then finally, the day to launch the ship comes and they pull back the giant curtains and here's this huge, beautiful ship, slides off the blocks into the ocean.
And then they break some champagne on the bow of it.
And so in the last decade, really, they pulled back the curtain, showed us the ship and said, but it's good.
So we were telling them they're building a ship behind there for tyranny, they're building world government, they're gonna bring up the family, cut the resources off. They're going to take your guns. They're going to beat your GMO. They're going to fry you with 5G.
They're going to, we're reading all their plans because we're behind the curtain.
And then they realize at a certain point.
Toto can pull back the curtain if they kept denying it while it's out in the open that would just give us more credibility. So they passed the Rubicon where they censor and attack and demonize those of us that are critical of the global government. But at the same time unveil it and roll it out as if it's something good and the answer to all the problems that they help create and so we've gone from the mask being on to the emergence. It's kind of like in World War II.
Submarines would run out of torpedoes really quick but they had their deck gun to sink ships with so the Germans particularly would be out there on a big mission. They already sunk a bunch of ships, already used their 10 torpedoes, but there's more ships to blow up, more ships to sink.
They gotta rise up and use the deck gun to sink the ships. And so that's what they've done, is the submarine has emerged and is shooting at us right now, and saying it's shooting at us, and saying to the intelligent people, resistance is futile, you better roll over right now, nobody can stop us, the future's not human, you better join us.
And a lot of people are going, whoa, this is real, what do I do to get on board?
And then a lot of other people that were asleep just go, eh, nothing you can do.
And then those of us that knew we could stop it are saying, see, we warned you.
But it doesn't take a majority to stop this.
If anything, when you read Yuval Noah Harari, who's the high priest of these guys, and Ray Kurzweil and these guys, and Prince Charles, who's King Charles now, and Klaus Schwab, I mean, I've read their books, I've read their writings, not just their speeches.
They are maniacs. I mean, they are, we are invincible. Humans are gonna live forever.
We're about to be Gods, but first we've got to get rid of the general public.
And what we're doing is beautiful work, and we're so amazing.
Yeah, Hitler had his thousand-year Reich, and look how long it lasted.
So they are purposely trying to invoke mass Stockholm syndrome in us by pushing this giant utopia that really is a dystopia.
So they're telling us all the dystopia happening is because we haven't submitted their plan.
But you can pull back and see the dystopias coming from them.
They say global warming's why we had the virus.
Not it came from a lab. And more viruses are coming because we're in the jungles. Oh! You know, oh my gosh, uh, the third world because of global warming is coming here not from two years of lockdowns and mass starvation.
And a big international gallop poll of the migrants. It was 10 000. They did just a few months ago 90 some percent said we've been locked down for years. The farms and ranches are closed. The factories are closed There's no food. We have to come here and the UN organized us in our respective countries to come here. So the UN turns your food off, locks you up, shuts you down and then organizes you to then invade the first world, where they're now clients of this group that's just been brought in.
This has all been battle-gamed, war-gamed, actuaried.
And if we just admit it's happening, and admit it's going on and stop living in denial, we can then organize, get control of local governments, then national governments and stop this.
But if we don't, it is the design collapse of all the nation states, huge wars, controlled viral releases to bring in tyranny, safe zone cities that are self-sufficient and locked down during viral attacks, While they're in the cities, it's wink, wink, you wanna be in the city because you can even be in a rural place.
They're gonna fly over with a drone and nerve gas you and say it was the virus.
And I mean, I've seen the plans. I've seen some of these classified plans, they reclassified about their drone attack plans.
They can fly over with synthetic opiates that kill you dead in a hammer, that dissipate in just a week or so. And so it's only gonna be people that are in these compact mega cities that are gonna be protected, but they themselves are gonna be under an authoritarian control as well.
So they're gonna panic all the money to run into these compact cities.
These city-states, while it's road war on the outside and the rest of us get wiped out. That's their plan.

Well, you've set out what we face. In the midst of that, you have built something huge and your name is far and wide. I mean, the only other person I know who does four hours a day is Steve Bannon.
I mean, tell us how you've grown that through blood, sweat and tears to be the voice of reason worldwide that it is now.
I mean, how's that? Yeah, tell us about that.

Well, I mean, look, I've been on the air since 1994, and it was all knowing this was real.
Because again, they didn't make a big deal about it. They were all very humble, very polite people.
But I just was so blessed to grow up around people that, my mom's dad, my grandfather was a World War II vet and Army Air Corps, and then worked for the oil companies, but also so, worked with some inventors on secret weapon projects for the Pentagon. And then, like I said, his son was, you know, high level on all this. And then, my dad's had a family, which family was like that. So I was just really, really, really, really blessed. And they were Patriots and, and they didn't like the way it was going. So I'm sitting around the, you know, the dinner table. I'm three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 years old.
By the time I was like 12 or 13, they didn't really talk about the stuff in front of me because, you know, this is all secret stuff they were talking about, but like, kids aren't kids are not listening. So I was knee high to a grasshopper, you know, listening to all this stuff and just being blown away by it.
And then I kind of became a teenager and chase girls and kind of forgot about it.
And then I went to community college, decided I wanted to go to college.
And it was all just America's horrible. Communism's good. We're going to get your guns. White people are bad. I'm like, well, this is everything I got warned about. I was like, I better do something about this. And so that was it. And then I just like, Oh, access TV is a place. Cause I try to get jobs in radio and they said no.
And I tried to send in tapes of me doing a show. And I mean, this one I'm like 18, 19 and it didn't discourage me.
And I remember when I was 18, I sent, they were having a contest to hire a new talk show host.
So ended up hiring Jeff Ward, former NFL kicker, friend of mine now and I'm 18.
And, or 19, I guess it was about 18. They had a contest, because they'd gotten rid of their other talk show host.
In fact, the new company bought it, they fired everybody, or most of the people.
And they said, send in your tapes. And so they would sit there and play like five minutes of a tape, of somebody being a talk show host.
And they played mine, and the guy said, you want to be in show business, Alex Jones, you'll never be in show business.
And of course, that guy that was there doing it, he had come in to run the contest, but he wanted the job, he didn't get it, which was funny.
But, and then I'm sitting there watching Access TV, and I'm watching a documentary for the John Byrd society.
And I'm like, I've heard every bit of this. And they're playing like Welch tapes and, you know, Senator tapes and stuff out of Congress.
And there were people re-airing the Iran-Contra hearings with Oliver North and all this stuff.
So I just got fascinated at like 19 on Access TV.
And I said, because Access TV started here in Austin. It had three channels.
It had all these leftist professors too that were like old time left.
So they were putting on documentaries about the CIA and Vietnam and the New World Order and Kennedy assassination.
So I'm sitting there, I mean, it was like half the stuff on the channel.
It was either old women doing aerobics and like churches or gardening shows.
They had some comedy shows too.
Or it was like, it was probably 30, 40% conspiracy. And it was the best stuff there was.
It was all like real.
It wasn't UFOs and Bigfoot. It was like, you know, just everything. And so I sat there and watched that in between jobs.
I had, I sat there and watched Access TV for about two years. And then I went, wait a minute, I'm trying to get jobs at radio stations. And I'd gone down to community college and the RTF they were teaching radio television film, was like 20 years old, It was like a joke. So I knew that was worthless. I went to the UT media department. It was even more worthless, So I said I'm not going to go here to learn this so I said I'm going to go do Access TV, but I'm kind of spending 10 minutes on the history, but it is fascinating. That was all able to happen.
So here we are today, and we went through this process of being censored and then really attacking us and suing us and writing court cases against us.
And it's kind of like in the winter, they say if you cut back rose bushes down to nothing, they come back three times bigger in the spring.
And so it wasn't fun having our arms cut off and put through all this.
And then it's come out in Congress. I mean, they turned the CIA loose on us, Justice Department, dirty tricks. I mean, it was just, it was really amazing.
It was kind of entertaining.
And so the education I've gotten the last five years with all that deep state stuff was very interesting.
And then because we're still here, and then now everybody can see what we warned of is coming true, exactly as we said, it has really hit a zeitgeist that I don't deserve.
It's because it's so, it's not due to my intelligence or any of that, that I just was in the right place at the right time my whole life.
And I see God working through me to be at this position that I'm now at.
And I see any way they slice it, they're gonna lose.
Now, will there be a nuclear war in the process? Will a lot of us have to die?
Yeah, the path we're on is very destructive, but at the end, I can assure the globalists, and I'm sure they've really studied this, there's no way they're gonna survive in their bunkers while they release a bioweapon and kill everybody. and there's no way they're going to get away with a nuclear war and then survive in their bunkers. I mean an example is, Mark Zuckerberg. I was just in Kauai for two weeks. I rarely take off that long, but I had to I just had to relax.
And the locals and construction companies were rolling out the red carpet when I was there and people were coming to the hotel I was at here and I was there and they were like major construction companies and look at the photos and look I don't care if I signed it on disclosure. You need to know, he's building a submarine base and here's photos. They've got like these big bubble tents as big as football fields over the property with dump trucks going in and out and underground bases and all this stuff.
And of course, I know the history of Kauai. It's like Cheyenne Mountain in the Pacific.
It's got anti-ballistic missile systems. It's got nukes on it.
It's got particle beams to shoot down, you know, stuff in the space program.
I mean, and it's got a big underground mountain and Edward Snowden was there and, you know, you watch the movie Snowden, he's under those mountains right there.
That's what's going on. Of course, no one even really pays attention or knows it.
Most of the locals don't even know there's a giant secret military base under there.
But here's the locals just all saying, screw him.
And because he tried to steal a bunch of native land and stuff, then I went and looked it up and sure enough, he can't hide it. It's all on record.
But how does he think building a big underground bunker is going to protect him if a, if a plague gets released and it's killing, say half the population, or, or if there's, if there's an end to civilization, he is a hated person.
And I know he's got robots and a lot of stuff there, a lot of robot drones and things, but I'm not threatening Mark Zuckerberg.
I wish you no harm.
I'm just saying, how do they think armoured redoubts in New Zealand or armoured redoubts in Tasmania of all places, or, or, or armoured redoubts in Kauai, or a lot of the smarter ones are setting up stuff, right by the tree line and the, up by the Arctic in Northern Canada, we're talking, you know, an hour by jet, even a small town.
Okay. So, and I mean, they're, they are busy, busy, busy, hiding in the middle of nowhere.
And they've got research, a lot of stuff's in northern Canada. And I know people that have been there, And because again, they don't think people talk, they're flying in the women. They're flying in the entertainment They're flying in the food And they think, take Larry Page. He won't set foot in a country now. He's out on these big giant yachts, that owns islands, you know in the in the South Pacific everything. I mean, I was told this by, one of his deputy directors, 16, 17 years ago. I talked about it all the time for James Cameron.
And they're like, you know why James Cameron is out finding Titanic stuff and has these fleets of big ships?
And he lives in New Zealand now. He knows what's coming, the collapse of civilization, whether it's engineered or not.
And the only safe place they think will be out on ships.
Well, that's why they had big articles out this week about floating cities for the elites and in the future.
So they've sucked things dry, dumb people down, cut off resources, and now have put themselves in a trap, of thinking they're gonna be in control of this collapse, and they even think it's too late now.
So if Elon Musk has done anything, he believes he can turn it around.
Whether he's for them or not, or whether he's an opportunist, or whether he sees their weak and wants to be the saviour, like Trump does, whatever's really in his heart.
Whether he's Satan's champion or not.
You know, as he said he was on Halloween.
The issue is, he's saying we need to have 2.2 kids. We need fossil fuels to even make electric cars. Once you stop promoting fuel exploration, there won't be enough fuel to make the jump into the new technologies, which the actuaries are there. So he's being very honest. And I think it kind of pearls before swine with the establishment itself, because, they've already decided stuff's dystopic and, uh, they've already decided to try to ride this tiger. But if you really pull back, they're now starting to kind of go, wait. Maybe we should tap the brakes a little bit on this.
Maybe this isn't as controllable as we once thought.

Can I just, we're finishing, can I ask you one point, economic point, we're seeing the boycotts.

No, no, I came on late. I can do 10 more minutes if you want, brother.

So the boycotts of Bud Light, of Target, of Wickes, and I'm wondering, are we seeing a wake up of conservatives realizing they have economic power?

What you said is absolutely true, and I should have started the whole interview saying, buycotts are powerful and boycotts are powerful.
The SEGs, the UN control, the social credit score is a corporate government boycott of you and your freedom, and punishing you for not behaving the way they want.
But we have the power still before they shut down the local economy, which they're trying to do, the Amish, the truck farms, the farmer's markets.
The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, as the Chinese say.
We've got to start building new economies. We've got to start building local economies.
We got to go to the thrift store instead of the big box store.
It doesn't mean we don't go to the big box store sometimes, but more and more supporting local communities, supporting local restaurants, local hotels, local infrastructure is absolutely critical in this fight.
And so, yes, you see the SEGs or the ESGs, both the ESGs with BlackRock and BlackRock losing close to a trillion dollars last year of investor and state pension funds funding.
So they pulled back last December and said, we're not going to
support ESG's anymore, but then all the companies they fund by the thousands, they got more aggressive, people saw through that.
And Larry Fink of BlackRock just said a week ago or two weeks ago, he said.
We're going to control you with money and ESG's are going to run your life.
So we have to understand they've got their big corporate centralized power, but only the power we give them.
So pull your money out of them, put it in local independent things, and then support independent media, support independent farming, support independent manufacturers, support independent mom and pops. Big box is the enemy.
And obviously, if you want to fly across the world, you got to go with a big airline.
And obviously, if you want to, you know, there's the times you're going to have to pay the tithe to the enemy.
But as much as you can pull back from them, and as much as you can put pressure on the the big corporations, because so many of them aren't fully controlled by the globalists.
They just let the globalists dictate things because they see the globalist threat of boycotting them or harassing them or investigating them as bigger than the threat from you boycotting them.
But we're seeing this all over the place. The Dodgers stadium.
I was going to have, and I've seen this group online. They're all over the country where they simulate sex and urinating on the cross and it's it's true black magic, you know rituals. That's what they do. They they desecrate icons, And they were going to have this group of men saying they're quote 'women and nuns', do this, and dodger stadium was going to have them in the halftime show, or during a break doing it and honour them, instead they waited five hours before the thing was open, before the gates was open, let them in to do it and hope people didn't pay attention.
But still, the boycott's massive.
So that was going to be front and centre. Now it's not.
Target's lost tens of billions, Anheuser-Busch has lost 24 billion.
But you notice, as soon as those companies were in trouble, other companies stampeded, to be demonized because they want going into the future, the best ESG scores.
Yes, the buycott, who you support and the boycott is still our ace in the hole.
And people need to realize we have it and they need to use it.

On your, that they haven't killed you off. You talked about censorship 2018.
I think it was where every company, one after the other, just took you off, tried to remove you.
I mean, I've read that you are actually appealing to a younger demographic.
And it's not the traditional older conservative market, but actually your appeal is spreading.
I mean, is that a reason why they haven't managed to kill you off?

That's a complex question, and I don't really have all the answers, but here's what I know.
Anything that they're trying to censor, people then have a Streisand effect and want to, fine.
Some days my shows are great, really informative, other days they're just okay. I'm not the end-all be-all, but because they tried to make me enemy number one, that had a major blowback, effect on them. But because we started off on Access TV and talk radio, and because we were always happened to have our own infrastructure.
We had to build this. So we were one of the few groups that had an infrastructure when they got censored and shut down.
And so because of that, we had a great effect. And I should remember when I do interviews or point out, a lot of folks don't know we're on air. They see clips everywhere and say, that guy's still there?
And I'm getting tens of millions of views a day with clips that people decide to upload.
That's really the power of the people. It's not my power, it's their power.
I'm an imperfect vessel and just delivering the information.
But really the ball is in the people's court, but bannedvideo, I'm on the air weekdays, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Everything's archived at
It takes a lot of money to run the infrastructure, satellite uplinks, you name it.
So we've got one foot in old media, cable TV, local radio stations, TV stations, got quite a few.
We don't publish those stations because they get harassed. And then we're still on global shortwave, at least for the time being, and that has quite an audience.
And then we're, you know, on all the new platforms and all the new systems and rumble everywhere else.
And then people understand it's a revolutionary act to go into enemy territory and take clips of the show and go put it on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and, uh, TikTok, you name it.
And we haven't reached our peak, in 2016 when we had conservatively, I mean, 50 million people a day, we're either tuning into the show or watching a clip.
But we've come back, I'd say, to 15, 20 million a day, and it's going straight up.
So, that's the people, that's their excitement and you know, going out and finding where I said something 20 years ago and then showing a clip of the news today. And that's what's great is I never saved all my old tapes I never you know, stuff got put in storage facilities and got hot and it was bad. So we threw it out. I mean I didn't, I've been firing and forgetting so I can't even find my original bohemian grove tapes. Who knows where they're at?
But so many other people recorded us on VHS or saved it on DVD or saved it on a hard drive. That now there's this whole renaissance of Alex Jones clips and my guests.
I mean, it's not just me, I'm a small part of it. It's all the great guests and so many of them are dead now.
I mean, all these amazing people that fought tyranny in such an incredible way.
You know, Jordan Maxwell and Anthony Hilderst and Jerry Rivers still alive, but you know, they're not doing a lot of media now.
And Ted Gunderson and just the list goes on and on and on.
And Charlotte Isserby and Phyllis Schlafly. I mean, just hundreds of people.
Jack McClann that are dead now, but they live on.
And I get a big thrill when somebody sends me, cause I don't really track this, but friends and family, people send me links all the time. So I'm like, hey, look at this.
You and Jack McClann, 500,000 views on YouTube.
And it's predicting the police state and the cashless society like 20 years ago.
And we're like, Oh, you know, here's this clip of you talking about the paedophile rings.
And one day they'll have marches in the street, coming to take your kids.
And then it's from like 15 years ago. And then, and it's got a million views.
And it's just like that, the exciting part is that, is that all these people now are saying, let me check my hard drive, Alex Jones on there?
Or, and again, it's not just me. They're finding all these other trailblazers like Ron Paul and others that predicted what was going on and they're carrying the ball down the field.
And I just want to say this to viewers.
We don't want to be in a position though where they've released a new plague and it doesn't kill one tenth of one percent, it kills 20 percent and the power is going off and there's troops in the street and robot drones flying around and people go, oh my god, Alex Jones was right.
I don't want people, you know, when the total collapse comes going, I don't want to be proven right. I want to stop Agenda 2030.
I want to stabilize stuff. I want to get the globalists out of power but stick them on an island like we did Napoleon because here's the deal, I'm a vengeful person and they deserve to be executed after they're tried by a jury of their peers and convicted, but that makes them more dangerous, when you put them in a corner. I really want to offer amnesty to the New World Order and just say, you're going to have your money stripped and your power stripped, and then you're going to be put on house arrest somewhere, or we can pick some place where you want to be. You gotta stop.
And I think if we give them an out like that, they may back off.
But we've gotta first make, we can't just oppose their globalist plan, their eugenics plan, their transhumanist operation.
We have to then propose a better system and an open free market competition, egalitarian system that takes care of the little people, but bases it on competition to make us all stronger from our weakest to our strongest, and that really opens up the technology, opens up the future.
But the elite, so-called elite, are threatened by all this new technology and freedom that messes up their monopolies.
That's why they wanna control collapse or neo-feudalism to try to get control again.
And this is all an exercise of them trying to get control.
I say to them, don't you see how your attempt to get control is losing control?
I mean, I'll use the analogy with a woman.
A woman may think you're the best guy ever, super hot, she wants to date with you, okay?
And you can't believe this super hot chick wants to date with you.
But she wants you, she's turned on. If you act insecure and push her and act weird and say, are you sure you wanna go out and call her 10 times and do all this, you're not gonna get her.
But if you're nice to her and say, hey Kate, I'll see ya, it's all gonna happen.
And it's the same thing with the globalists. You're squeezing us, enslaving us, trying to dominate us so that you can stay in power. You're gonna lose everything.
And you've already lost, there's no way you're gonna fix this.
In fact, we may not be able to fix it.
In the end, don't worry, you'll be destroyed and we'll be able to maybe rebuild something, but it might take a hundred years.
It'd be much better for you right now to give up. But you can't do that unless you know how they operate, you've done the research, and you address them at that level.
And believe me, you address the New World Order at a high level, and they give you a piece of BS, you get them back with five angles, and more than they even understand, they go, okay, well, why aren't you with us? You understand that we're just trying to stabilize things. No, you're not.
And so, again, they're not that powerful, folks. If they've tried to hire me 15 times, if they've offered me $100 million dollars on this crap before. They're not that powerful. They're grandparents.
[36:39] Grand monopolies, they got fabulously rich, they are all scared, surrounded by a bunch of yes men, and they've got some Carnegie plan to end war by getting rid of men. And then all you see is them getting rid of civilization. I mean, it's just, it's totally uncool. It's not going to work.
And we have to develop a plan B to this and then just say, we're not even asking you to join us, we're going to build plan B. And as everything goes to hell, people are going to know it's it's your plan A that didn't work and was bad, they're gonna join us in plan B.
So really, I've been thinking of the name of a podcast that I wanted to launch for a while.
I really think it's plan B.
Because we've got to have a plan B and we can't wait for them to realize that they've screwed up and give up.
We have to go ahead and build it now.

Alex, I massively appreciate your time. I'm hoping your cat isn't a person of interest still.

Yes, it's my daughter, it's my six-year-old daughter. We had bandit cat, the most awesome cat ever, but it was always getting out and it got run over and my daughter was three and she goes where did bandit go?
And I said, honey, he, you know, he must've moved somewhere, moved in with his family.
And she said, well, I want another cat.
So we got Mushu, I didn't know how magic ragdolls were.
I was talking to Joe Rogan about it, well you got ragdolls. He was, oh, they're like dogs, they are super smart.
So we get this ragdoll cat, She names it Mushu. I named it worm, he worms around the ground, really cute, huge cat, beautiful, smart. The cat without ever being trained, uses the toilet, One day I walk into the bathroom and I'm sitting there brushing my teeth and I look over in this bathroom, you know stall at my house and the cat is peeing on the toilet. I don't mean to get a little gross, so the cat is like a rocket scientist of cats and yes, they have, the federal courts have questioned about it and they may want to take it in my bankruptcy. So that's a true story.

Well, we'll finish on that, Alex, it's been great having you with us.
Thank you for your time today.

God bless you, brother. I appreciate you.

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