Christine Dorocki is Ignited Goddess. She believes in creating a beautiful world. She is a 2x’s highly sought-after Certified Yogi, Cosmetologist, and Certified Ayurvedic Consultant who helps people especially women, to be beautiful inside and out.

She approaches her Ayurvedic Consultation with you & together you will explore your health history, and lifestyle, and detect any imbalances that may be affecting your overall wellness, with compassion. Finding the root cause of imbalances through empowering questions and answers and creating a personalized Fearless Goddess Personalized Plan, containing recipes, reflection questions, and a yoga and fitness plan.

She works with largely women 40+& menopausal women but also women of all ages.

Golden Nuggets From This Episode:

✨ “It's the small things that really add up to a big impactful lifestyle.”

✨ “In Ayurveda, they believe that everything happens first in your digestion.”

✨ “The hot and warm water really helps keep the digestive fire going.”

✨ “Mostly the eating of the cold and raw food causes slower digestion and imbalanced gut.”

✨ “In Ayurveda, they just want balance and harmony.”

✨ “If you think about Vata and you're not sleeping, some things to balance Vata would be having a routine.”

✨ “If you're finding that you are feeling angry, maybe you need to add some sweetness to your life.”

✨ “Kapha probably is not gonna be wanting to exercise so they're the ones that actually do need to exercise.”

✨ “Once I started to meditate and really honor the things that I needed, my pain really dissipated. A lot comes to you when you meditate.”

✨ “And then journaling about it, you know, writing it down and then you know, really visiting and keep asking the question, what do I need, what do I need, what do I want that type of thing.”

✨ “Decide and then trust that decision that you made, rather than doubt it. I think just doing that simple thing, will help you trust yourself.”

✨ “We're not going to always make the right decision but that seems to really work.”

✨ “You are worth it. You are here to experience life and all your choices, they matter. Choose yourself. There are things that you can do to feel better..”

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Dr. Tranquility [email protected]

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Timestamps from the episode:

05:16   How she felt when she started receiving Eastern medicine
08:02   How does she help people to transition to try Ayurveda Medicine
09:25   Benefits of warm water
10:15   Reasons that cause a slower digestion or imbalance gut
12:07   Why people should go to bed earlier
13:13   Explains the Doshas and their elements
19:51   What has helped her in her pain 


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