Andddd Hello there, 2022! New year surely, but yet, it feels and seems like that was the only thing that turned. The word and effect of ‘pandemic’ is once again upon us, threatening normalcy and forcing us indoors somewhat.

So we kick off 2022 continuing with our round-up series! In this 2nd part of 3, I feature 4 amazing guests from different locations, with varied disciplines but one thing that we all happen to be: PODCASTERS, a synchronicity that I only realized while putting this compilation together. The juiciness and fire of these golden nuggets only got better in this series, and so much of what was discussed still rings true and valuable as we continue to navigate the pandemic and the multitude of impacts with it. I hope you’ll enjoy this compilation! 

The following wonderful guests were featured: 

Family Therapist and Clinical Psychology student, Deisy Vasquez (Ep 25) 

Listen to the full conversation on Ep 25 of the podcast here:

Business, Transformation & Mindset Coach, Ben Yeh (Ep 28) 

Listen to the full conversation on Ep 28 of the podcast here:

Certified Professional Life and Career Coach, Erica Yanney (Ep 30) 

Listen to the full conversation on Ep 30 of the podcast here:

Licensed tour guide, Deanna How (Ep 31) 

Listen to the full conversation on Ep 31 of the podcast here:

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Instagram: heartopenconvers_asiansHave a question, thought or feedback? Reach me at my inbox at [email protected]. I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to help me make this show more valuable and meaningful for you! Support the show (