A breast cancer diagnosis is a shock to most who hear it. And often our response is simply to allow the medical community to sweep us along into the usual process of treatment.

But generally, says expert Carol Lourie, breast cancer is not a surgical emergency. You have some time to listen, to learn, and to consider your options.

In this conversation, Grief Coach Wendy Sloneker talks with Naturopath, Acupuncturist, and Homeopath Carol Lourie about how one of those options may be learning more about the roots of the disease. Understanding emotional components of disease can help support your physical and spiritual health through treatment and beyond.

If you or someone you care for is undergoing treatment for breast cancer or has been through treatment and is looking for ways to prevent recurrence, please listen and share this very important podcast.

Then be sure to check out Carol's Empowered Against Recurrence course: https://carollourie.com/wendy-sloneker.*

You can learn more about Carol Lourie at her website, https://carollourie.com/.

And of course, if illness or other changes have resulted in unmanageable grief or sadness, please make a complimentary appointment with Wendy right away. You can find contact information on her website, https://www.wendysloneker.com/. 

*Disclosure: This is an affiliate link, meaning Wendy Sloneker will receive a small commission if you purchase the product via this link. Wendy only endorses products she has personally used or which have come highly recommended by trusted peers. There is no additional cost to you.