I think many of us are on earth to learn how to be patient. Patience has to begin with ourself. This requires that we let go of the need to be perfect, to judge and criticize ourself. We must learn to accept ourself as we are to be patient with ourself. To do this we can treat ourself the way we would a baby. We would nurture her, love her, encourage her, accept her just the way she is. Now we have to do that for ourself. Frustration will never bring peace into our lives. Release the expectations you have of yourself and then you can release the expectations you have for others and let them be who they are and accept them and love them just the way they are. Each of us has our own way to express ourself. Let us express our own uniqueness and the uniqueness of those whose lives cross our path. Learning to be patient is a process. Let's search for one way each of us can be more patient. I'll need your help with this one since my patience is tested every day, it seems.