Everybody has had their heart broken- everybody! The pain is so intense that many shut their heart down for the rest of their life and never let anybody into their heart again. Today we will have a guided meditation to forgive three people and dissolve the energetic cord that keeps you in pain. Then we will empower your intuition as the beacon of light that will warn you of impending danger. I will ask you to vow to follow your intuition and get out of this danger immediately. If you do this you will be able to open your heart and love freely without the fear of ever having your heart broken again. If your broken heart is from the loss of a loved one I hope to provide you with a couple of suggestions that will lessen this pain and allow you to live a fuller life. We are here to love so we have to learn how to get rid of the pain from loving so we can love. Please join me and tell your friends to join this healing circle. Download this so you can listen to the guided meditation again.