Hi there 💜 How are you?

Do you like your birthday?

I get really excited in the lead up to my birthday but the actual day can be a bit mixed, like today. 

Over the last year especially, I have endeavoured to live my life at cause, meaning that I take full responsibility for my actions, behaviours, feelings and thoughts, now, for the past and in the future.

I did something 5 years ago that at the time felt justified and right but with more awareness and as the 2021, 55 year old version of me, felt different, felt like I had responded at effect.

And I wanted to correct it for me, for my soul. It was hard but I figured that my birthday was a good day to do it.  Listen to the episode to hear my story.

Are you living at cause? Taking responsibility for your life, for the responses to the things that happen in life?

Responsibility = ability to respond.
Responsiibilty = living at cause
Living at Cause = Empowerment.

I encourage you to use your birthday to review your previous year, the great, the good, the changes, the screw ups, the growth, the learnings, all of it.

And then celebrate all of it on your birthday.

Have a brilliant week lovely one,
Love Elle 💜

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