Hi again darling one 💜

It's great to have you back here at Eleanor Crawford Unplugged.

Today's episode is a doozy all about my path to revealing my feminine energy after years and years of living in my masculine energy.

Why is that so important?

Because our feminine energy is all about creation, receivership, self care, love and our heart.

Our masculine energy is all about protection, security, thinking, doing and acting. It is our action taking protector.

We live in duality, some of each. But when we are consistently living from our masculine energy, hello me, we don't allow space for receiving.

Which of course is the basis of manifestation and life creation. Duh

So when we try to manifest solely from our masculine energy, we're in our ego, our thinking mind and our forcing.

Of course the action taker of the masculine energy is essential for manifesting, but the other stuff? Not so much.

In order to truly manifest, we need to ask and then surrender to receiving without analyzing the wheres and hows.

It's truly a practise and one that I have actively surrendering to daily.

Like you, I'm a big messy work in progress and todays episode tells a bit more about my process.

If you're reading this prior to Oct 20th '22 AND you live in Adelaide AND you'd like to learn more, then you're in luck. The inaugural Manifesting Circle for Visionaries still has a few tickets available. It's a full day immersion with me and my Lexy labradoodle at the beautiful Silver Sands. Read more about the day HERE.

And if you use MANIFEST at the checkout, you'll receive $100 off the ticket.

You will walk away with an IRL vision board, a beautiful journal for your notes, a stunning Goddess candle made just for you by Radiance Co having enjoyed the company of like minded women, glorious and delicious food from Real Food Life and the loads of breakthroughs through teachings and coaching from me, Elle.

It's going to be a transformational day.

These days will be run every 2 months so if you missed this one, please reach out to see when the next one is.

I truly hope you enjoyed hearing more about the unravelling and unplugging of me and that you can relate to the life ride that we are all uniquely experiencing.

I'll be back with another episode next week.

Until then,
With love and creation
Elle 💜

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Or for direct contact, drop me an email.
[email protected]