The slap that reverberated around the world brought up many differing opinions and comments. When Will Smith stormed up on stage and slapped Chris Rock at their industry's night of nights, everyone was shocked. And it was shocking for sure.

My interest in the situation is where the emotion that drove WS up on stage come from? It certainly didn't seem in proportion with the event. I believe that emotion was a long held shitbrick from early childhood or before, an emotion that had be repressed at the time and that his unconscious mind re-presented to him when he was triggered on Oscar night.

It just shows that no-one on the planet is immune to huge emotional reactions if they have not done the work to express and release repressed emotions.

I find it fascinating. Take a listen to hear more.

AND towards the end of the episode I share with you an amazing offer for the last 2 spots on my coaching calendar. At the time of recording, 1/4/22, the offer stands at $500 off my program for 2 women only. They will be snapped up so if you are reading this when this episode is released, then contact me asap to secure one of the spots.

The transformation you will experience is worth way more than money.  And expanding your awareness means that when you are inevitably triggered in the future, you won't be driven to behave in a way that makes you feel embarrassment and shame, like WS was.

See you soon for more of Eleanor Crawford Unplugged.

Elle 💜