Hello beautiful soul. 💜

Today is episode 2 of The Good Life Series. The GLS is a prelude to my free masterclasses that are happening over the next couple of weeks.

I'll share more about that in a minute but first I wanted to talk about when a boundary isn't really a boundary and how we protect our values, if we know them, with boundaries.

During this episode I share a story from my life when I stopped a friendship in its tracks because I felt like one of my values was compromised. I justified it to myself that I had set a healthy boundary but on reflection, I realise that although I was doing the best with what I knew, I was actually living at effect and blaming external contributors instead of looking within for the answers.

And now with so much more knowledge on board, I understand what happened so I set about making it right.

Hear the whole story in the episode.

Now for The Good Life Series.

Here are the free online masterclass details.

Reframe Your Thoughts, Create Your Good Life
Thursday May 19th at 7pm ADL time.*

Know Your Values, Attract Your Good Life
Thursday June 2nd at 7pm ADL time.*

For more great information and to register for either or both classes go to this page,

If you loved this episode and resonated with my story, please consider sharing it with a friend or family member. The more aware and empowered women in our world, the better off we will be.

Until next time,
Elle 💜

PS And if you feel called to, I'd love a rating too . 🤞🏻

*Convert to Adelaide time here.

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